Thursday, October 21, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you develop a complete indifference to the material world, the worries about performing or not performing tasks, the pairs of opposites, and the dualities will cease and thus you will become passionless and renounced.

Remember that it is a rare blessed soul which ceases to have a passion for life, a desire to enjoy, and a hunger to learn after observing the ways of men.

Remember that the pairs of opposites have been exisiting for time immemorial. So cease to worry about them and become free.

Remember that the end of joy is sorrow and the end of sorrow is joy. So stop bothering about the two and become renounced.

Remember that the one who apprehends the true nature of pure consciousness, develops complete indifference to this material world, and develops an equainimity. Thus through logical reasoning he escapes this cycle of birth and death and becomes a true spiritual guide.

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