Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We pervade the universe we live in and it is in reality woven around us. We are actually pure consciousness. We should not give way to petty mindedness.

Just like the mud that is used to make a pot, pervades the entire pot similarly pure consciousness from which the entire universe is projected, pervades the universe itself.

Though the universe is pervaded by the self the self is unattached to it. In the consciousness the subject and the object form the warp and the woof of the universe woven as a magnificent tapestry.

By identifying with this universe of names and forms we give way to petty mindedness. To live and feel like the limited ego is unbecoming to our divine nature.

There is nothing greater than our essential spiritual being.

We are unconditioned, changeless, dense, with profound intelligence, serene and unperturbed. Hence we should desire consciousness alone.

We do not lack in any thing. As a contrast to the burning passions that constantly agitate the egocentric life, the self  in its supreme perfection and peace is ever serene.

When the intellect is devoid of all thought disturbances the self or pure consciousness is experienced directly.

As our desires, so are our thoughts. If we desire consciousness alone our thoughts become pure, serene and untainted.

That which has a form is false and that which has no form is changeless.

We should have a clear idea of what we are seeking. The meditator in us should realize that the ghost is unreal and the post is real. The waking is real and the dream is unreal. In other words all that is experienced on the material platform is unreal and the eternal truth alone is real.

Just as the mirror exists inside and outside the image that it reflects, the supreme self exists inside and outside this body.

Though when one meditates, he does so by going within himself or herself, but when one realizes one’s true identity he or she awakes to realize the boundless state of the infinite self.

The eternal self, infinite and unconditioned is ever present everywhere both within and without.

The very thought of inside and outside arises from the meditator’s body consciousness.

When the material body is not perceived the concept of inside and outside, are no longer valid.   

If you look at an empty pot, you realize that there is space inside the pot as well as outside the pot. But when the pot is broken the only thing that remains is space.

Similarly the seeker as long as he is within his conditionings, meditates on his self as the pure subject within himself, but once he realizes his true nature, he experiences the all pervading infinite nature.

In other words the individual, the universe and the creator are all different manifestations of the same infinite consciousness.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Every one of us is bound by the rope of body consciousness. This rope can be cut only by the sword of the knowledge “ I am pure consciousness”.

As a soul which has passed through trillions of births an deaths, we are so used to identifying our self with our gross body that we find it difficult  to imagine ourselves as the soul.

One has to redeem himself or herself from one’s own delusion of body and mind. This will help one in getting away from the illusory sorrows. Intuitive illumination occurs the moment when ignorance is dispelled.

Friday, October 5, 2012


On should give up all external and internal fluctuations, and the illusion that he is the false ego, and meditate upon his “self” which is the immutable non dual consciousness alone.

The self is the spiritual centre within every one of us.

When through consistent meditation on the self, the intelligence is totally soaked up with this reality, the seeker should begin dwelling in the self alone.

The self viewed as the substratum of the whole universe is called BRAHMAN and when this is expressed trhough ones mind and intellect it becomes the JIVA or the false ego.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


The self is the witness, all pervading, perfect, non-dual, free, consciousness, action less, unattached, desire less and quiet. Through delusion it seems to be absorbed in the world.

In other words the self is not a part of that which it illumines. Just like the rope pervades the illusion of the snake, similarly the self pervades this dualistic material world and universe.

The self is complete. Nothing can be added to it and nothing can be reduced from it just like nothing is added to the post when it is visualized as a ghost.
The self is non dual and ever free.

As consciousness it is complete in itself.

And it is also action less though it is the substratum of all the material actions.

The self is desire less and unattached just like the space which holds the universe is unattached to the universe.

In its supreme perfection the self has nothing ot desire except itself.

As there are no desires hence there are no thought agitations and so the self is ever quiet.

As the perceiver feeler thinker entity the individualized ego gets entrapped in the happenings of this dualistic material world.

And driven by these desires the individualistic ego gets entrapped in the vicious circle of births and deaths.

However just like the rope does not become a snake, a post does not become a ghost, the self does not become the individualized ego.