Sunday, October 27, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when you begin to abide in your self you will eschew material action, speech and thoughts.

Remember that when you abide in yourself you will gradually lose attraction towards sense objects.

Remember that when you abide in yourself you will have neither anything to accept nor to reject, you will feel neither happiness nor sorrow.

Remember that when you begin to abide in your self you do not need any meditation.

Remember that blessed is the man who fulfills himself with his nature divine.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that he who has understood with certitude that change and destruction are an inherent part of this material world will certainly attain liberation.

Remember that one who understands with certitude that God is the creator of all will immediately attain inner peace and liberation.

Remember that one who understands with certitude that fortune and misfortune are a part of this material life and are the results of past actions, shall at once eschew desires and become liberated.

Remember that passion for material things is bondage and distaste for the same is liberation.

Remember that the knowledge of truth makes an eloquent, wise and active person mute and wonder struck.

Remember that the root cause of all problems and sorrows is anxiety.

Remember that one who understands that he is not the body but the self attains liberation.

Remember that one who realizes that this marvelous universe is nothing, attains liberation.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you should cultivate indifference towards everything by abandoning Desire, Wealth and Piety.

Remember that to attain self realization you should consider everything around you including all that you possess as the part of a dream.

Remember that the basic ingredient of this material world is  Desire. Cultivate dispassion towards it and be happy.

Remember that desire is bondage and its destruction is self realization and liberation.

Remember that you as the supreme self are one pure intelligence. All other things are unreal, inert and ignorant.

Remember that despite your attachment to material things, they have repeatedly been taken away from you for the past endless births.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when your mind desires or grieves for something, accepts or rejects something or feels happy or angry about something, you are in bondage.

Remember that you are free when you are desire less.

Remember that you are free when you are detached from all sensory perceptions.

Remember that rare is the person who, after observing the ways of human beings, has extinguished his passion for life, his desire to enjoy and his quest for knowledge.

Remember that the man of wisdom becomes serene and indifferent towards this transient world of miseries.

Remember that the pair of opposites has existed in man from time immemorial. One who is content with what comes to him unasked is indeed a man of perfection.

Remember that that man is indeed tranquil who is indifferent towards the diverse opinions of sages and seers.

Remember that one who apprehends the true nature of pure consciousness by cultivating a complete indifference to the world, by equanimity and by logical reasoning and thus escapes this endless circle of life and death is indeed the true spiritual guide.

Remember that the only constituent of this world is desire. So eschew desire and attain renunciation.      

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Self Realization

Remember, just like the mighty ocean is not perturbed by the endless waves that rise and fall in it, the self is not perturbed by the endless universes that spring forth from it and then dissolve in it.

Remember that as the profoundly tranquil and infinite self, your should not be affected by the endless activities that happen around you.

Remember that the self is not an object. It is infinite and taint less.

Remember that as pure consciousness you will find the universe look like a magic show only.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that as a pure self you do not have any contact with anything and hence you do not have to renounce anything.

Remember that the universe rises within you like a bubble in the ocean and then gets dissolved back into the ocean that is your self. Hence enter into laya the dissolution of the universe within you.

Remember that you are not affected by life and death, pain and pleasure, hope and disappointment. Knowing this enter into laya.

Remember that as the true self you are infinite like the space and this universe is like a small jar floating in that universe.

Remember that you as the self are like and ocean and that the universe is like a wave.

Remember that as the true self you are in all beings and all beings are in you. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when your realize your true identity as the self you will not be perturbed by any thing that happens around you and in your life.

Remember that a true sage is one who is content in self knowledge.

Remember that a true sage does not consider anything as acceptable or unacceptable.

Remember that the person who has realized his true identity as the self, is different from the other common beings, even when both live in this world and play the game of life.

Remember that even when abiding in this state of self realization which even the demigods hanker for, the sage is not at all elated.

Remember that the heart of such a sage is not contaminated by virtue or vice.

Remember that of all the creations of Brahma, only a self realized sage is capable of renouncing desires and aversions.

Remember that such a sage is indeed rare.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when there is a mental turmoil within you, endless worlds emerge automatically. These worlds remain in the ocean of your mind, jostle about for some time and then disappear. It is only when the mind is free of any turmoil that one begins to realize his true self.

Remember that once you realize is true identity as the non dual self, your lust for accumulation of wealth will automatically disappear.

Remember that it is the non apprehension of self that results in the attachment towards sense objects.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self your sense of ownership and doer ship will vanish.

Remember that once you realize that the self is supremely beautiful all consciousness, you will shy away from sense objects.

Remember that once you dwell firmly in your transcendental non duality, you will not be swayed by lust.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are nothing but the light. When the universe appears, it is you alone who shine.

Remember that just like silver in the mother of pearl, snake in the rope and water in the desert, the universe appears to one's eyes through the misapprehension of the self.

Remember that just as the pot dissolves into mud, waves into the ocean, and jewelry into gold, the universe dissolves into the self.

Remember that the triad of knowledge, knowable and the know-er exists within you because of the misapprehension of your true identity as the taint less self.

Remember that the root cause for all problems in the sense of duality. When you differentiate between the self  and the universe woven around you, you come across all problems.

Remember that the universe around you abides in you, but it does not exist within you. You are the taint less, serene, non dual self.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self, you will also realize that the body, the notions of heaven and hell, happiness and distress etc. do not exist.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self, you will feel like a person in a forest, a midst the multitude of humanity around you. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are taint less, serene, pure consciousness and beyond nature. Hence do not be bewildered by delusion.

Remember that the self illumines this universe which we live in. In other words, the self creates the universe when it illumines it.

Remember that just as the waves and foams are not different from the waters they originate from similarly the universe is not different from the self from which it originates.

Remember that just like the cloth when examined, is nothing but woven thread, similarly, the universe is nothing but a creation of the self.

Remember that just as sugar made by sugarcane juice is pervaded by the sugarcane juice similarly the universe is pervaded by the self.

Remember that the universe appears with the ignorance of the self and disappears with the knowledge of the self.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that what one thinks he becomes. If you think that you are free you will become free and if you think that you are bound you will become bound. If you think that you are helpless, weak, and a desperate creature of passions and impulses, you will never be able to enjoy the inner strength and beauty of your personality.

Remember that on the other hand if you keep reminding yourself of your own divine nature, you will reach the royal path to self attainment.

Remember that the self is all pervading, perfect, non dual, free consciousness. It is action less, unattached, desire less and quiet.

Remember that you should give up all external and internal fluctuations and meditate upon the self as immutable non-dual consciousness.

Remember that you have to cut asunder the rope of body consciousness and realize your true nature as the self.

Remember that you are unattached, self effulgent, and taint less.

Remember that you are unconditioned, changeless, of profound intelligence, serene and unperturbed. Hence seek self consciousness alone.

Self Realization

Remember that once you detach yourself from your body and abide in your conscious self, you will at once become happy and blissful.

Remember that when one is attached to his body, he is victimized by the laws of the material world. As a result his mind and intelligence are possessed by the five evils viz. Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion and False ego. And as long as these five forces control one's gross, subtle and causal bodies, he can never attain liberation.

Remember that you do not belong to any caste, creed, color or community. You are the immutable non dual self.

Remember that vice and virtue, happiness and distress etc are attributes of the mind and not of the soul which is beyond all these material feelings.

Remember that you are the supreme bliss on which the universe is superimposed.