Friday, January 31, 2020



This greed led Acharya Dron to his becoming a part of King Dhrtarshtra’s assembly which was completely out of character for a Brahmin like him.

Furthermore he chose to compromise his own character on several occasions because of his material greed.

Thursday, January 30, 2020



This greed for material things led to Acharya Dron’s animosity with king Drupad who went to the extent of having Dhrishtadhumna as a boon son, just to slay Acharya Dron.

Acharya Dron learnt martial arts just to use his knowledge to teach the Kahatriyas that is the warrior class.

However because of his material greed he chose to teach only the princes, so that he may extract material benefits from such teaching.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020



Acharya Dron was the son of sage Bharadwaja and a celestial nymph. He is credited to have been the incarnation of Brihaspati the priest of demigods.

He was brilliant and had learnt martial arts and science from lord Parasurama.

However he chose to forget his stature as a Renunciant Brahmin, and succumbed to material greed.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020



Despite his extraordinary personal advantages Bhishma failed just because he was struck by illusion.

This rank material illusion was caused by his love for his kingdom more than his craving for God’s kingdom.

Hastinapur the kingdom and its prosperity, safety and security became his top priority. 

For once the noble Bhishma chose to forget that all material things including Hastinapur are transient and that sooner or later they tend to perish.

This illusion led to the downfall of all.

Monday, January 27, 2020



Bhishma Pitamaha the grandsire of both Kauravas as well as Pandavas is alas a deluded soul.

Bhishma was known for his noble bearing, valor, bravery and prowess on the battle field.

So powerful was he that his word could have been law. None including Dhratarashtra could dare to stand up against him.

Sunday, January 26, 2020



First of all comes King Shantanu who was the root cause of all problems.

King Shantanu was known for his valor and kingly qualities but alas had this weakness for sensual pleasures.

The noble king fell in love twice and both these arrows from the cupid resulted in disastrous effects for the king.

Though because of the first affair he got a noble son like Devavrat, the second lusty trip forced this same worthy son take such oaths that made the boy Bhishma.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


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‘’ Dharmkshetre Kurukshetre’’ actually describes the human body as a battle field where the positive and negative vibes vie for supremacy. It is called ‘’Dharmakshetra’’ just because the super soul resides in each living and non living entity.

Friday, January 24, 2020



The Mahabharatha considered to be the most complete  intellectual treatise in the world, presented as an epic may be true but not necessarily on the gross level.

It is more likely that it belongs to another dimension where the continuous and perpetual strife between positive and negative energies is described in a personalized human form for the common man to understand better.

Thursday, January 23, 2020



Individual spark soul may look up to the spiritual whole for guidance.

In all such cases, the living entity would actually be stepping forward in his/ her quest for self realization.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

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It does not mean that an individual entity cannot change. Living entities who were hitherto reacting as per vibrations originating at the senses level, mind level, or intelligence level may improve further by giving more importance to thoughts that came from a level above.


Entities in the senses level of the astral body may begin reacting to messages that come from the mind level.

Those who are already in the mind chamber may look up to transmissions from the causal body of intelligence.

Those already in the causal body of intelligence may henceforth adhere to messages from the soul.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020



Mahabharatha is one such example. Karna as an individual spark was born alone and hence much against his wishes was befriended by demons like the Kuru princes.

On the other hand Arjuna who as an individual soul was a part of the spiritual whole, was born as the brother of the Pandavas, husband of Draupadi, and cousin of Krishna and Balarama.     

Monday, January 20, 2020



Even in this spiritual dimension the soul as an individual spark continues to dwell in the risk of being embodied and getting swamped by this big bad world.

However in the other case even when the soul is incarnated, just because it had initially chosen to be a part and parcel of the spiritual whole it comes to this world collectively along with other souls to complete some holy mission.

Sunday, January 19, 2020



Collective strength is more than individual strength. A single twig can be snapped easily but a collection of twigs tend to be too powerful for anyone to break.

Karna was a mighty warrior probably even greater than Arjuna. However Karna the soul was an individual spark whereas Arjuna was one of the several souls with Krshna as their leader.

Saturday, January 18, 2020



Till now everything was on the material plane. According to Sri Sri Yukteshwara Giri entities from the causal body who are poised to enter the soul level tend to get very nervous. The reason is that it is the first time when the entity is going from materialism to spiritualism.

As mentioned before the soul is the spiritual spark from the eternal fire and does enjoy a separate identity. However the possibility of the spiritual spark getting extinguished when alone gets more frequent than when even as a separate spiritual entity the soul remains a part of the spiritual fire.

Friday, January 17, 2020



Thus even in the causal body a native remains in his/her causal body through repetitive incarnations till he/she finally acknowledges the existence of the soul, its significance and the fact that the causal body is just a thin veil of materialism wrapped around it.

Thursday, January 16, 2020



There is a whale of difference between the two causal births . 

Whereas the former has the experiences of the current birth as raw material for its thoughts, the latter keeps karma over umpteen births as the foundation for all intelligence.

This could be probably the reason why some people despite being very intelligent tend to possess radical ideas, while other equally brilliant guys are skeptical and more accommodative to change.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020



Though the causal body of intelligence is totally logical it still in all probabilities suffers from false ego where the living entity tends to identify with the body be it causal, astral or gross.

That is why even in the causal body there are two categories – one who depend on thoughts that emanate directly from intelligence and the other which base their theories on transmissions from the soul.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020



Just as in the astral world, thoughts that have emanated directly from the causal body when used extensively by the native, binds him/her in the rut of getting reincarnated again and again in this causal body in the causal world.

The causal body is the thinnest and first veil over the soul.

Monday, January 13, 2020



Next is the causal world of intelligence. 

Only those who are evolved enough after having resided in the astral world of mind for time immemorial, graduate to the causal world.

In other words none from the material world can incarnate directly into the causal world.

The causal world is ruled by pure intelligence & logic. There is no room for emotions and feelings here. They dried up at the astral level of mind.

Sunday, January 12, 2020



Quite a few, more evolved begin to dwell in the upper level of the astral world that is the mind immediately after death.

Even among them there are two categories.

One are those who rely on emanations directly from the mind. 

These people remain in the astral world and keep reincarnating there.

However some among them come to the big bad world in a gross body as emissaries of God, and stay here till their  spiritual mission is complete. 

Saints, emancipators, sages, Renunciant, Godmen etc. belong to this category.

Saturday, January 11, 2020



The nobler ones among them base their instincts on input from the mind that is the upper chamber of feelings in the astral world. Such living entities have a conscience. 

Despite being lusty they have a control over their psyche. On an average the common man/woman belongs to this category.

Sooner or later almost all from the lower level of astral world get reincarnated in a gross body. However a few among them graduate to the upper level. 

Among these few some may be sent to the gross world in a gross body to set examples for the common living entity. These people come back to the astral world immediately after their mission is complete.

Geniuses in all material fields like science, arts etc. belong to this category.

Friday, January 10, 2020



Even in the astral senses level there are two categories. One are the base and carnal ones whose ideas of lust emanate directly at the senses level. 

These demonic people are naturally attracted by the negative energy and find themselves gravitating towards hell.

Criminals, thieves, robbers, gangsters, murderers, rapists etc. belong to this category.

Thursday, January 9, 2020



When the living entity is happy living in the astral world itself, he/she may be in two levels the upper level of mind & the lower level of senses. 

Depending upon the cerebral and spiritual development of the living entity he/she chooses any one of these chambers.

On an average the majority of human beings go to the lower level of senses after death.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

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Knowledge about the creation of life, aliens, etc. have been possible only through the study of existing facts as well as through astral projection.

Even while indulging in Astral projection and living in the Astral world of mind & senses, the living entity’s psyche may be honed to the causal world of intelligence, the soul or the super soul.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020



Past, present and future are a part of the dimensions where the living entity can travel through astral projection.

Great historians who are genuinely focused on their choice subject, resort to astral projection, besides going through their usual researches to come up with historical facts.

Similar is the case with scientists, researchers, inventors etc. who travel to the future through astral projection.

Monday, January 6, 2020



Depending upon the divine or demonic preferences and nature of the living entity he/she may visualize either the divine or the demonic parts of the creation.

This is precisely the reason why some otherwise intelligent beings shy away from astral projection lest they encounter unsavory elements in that process.

Sunday, January 5, 2020



One may wonder as a commoner why some among them think the way they do and come up with great inventions, theories, paintings, sculptures etc. 

The reason is that great thinkers, philosophers, artists, painters, sculptors, poets, musicians, writers etc. use this method of astral projection to come up with various ideas, plots etc.

In fact so involved are they in such astral projection that they are made fun of by the multitude and called fools and mad caps.

Saturday, January 4, 2020



As has been mentioned above, the human mind is so powerful and fast that it can very well be used for astral projection.

Astral projection allows the native to roam around in the universe within and outside plus into other dimensions despite remaining in one place gross bodily.

This is the main reason for coining the adage’’ BODY PRESENT MIND ABSENT.’’

Friday, January 3, 2020



Examples on the negative side:
1.  International gangster & terrorist Dawood Ibrahim came from a very humble background. But today he has become notorious.
2.  The founder of American Mafia Lucky Luciano was one among the 5 kids of his parents. But he turned up into dreaded criminal.
3.  Hitler was the third child of a customs official. And he engineered the 2nd world war.
Thus the examples are many. But to make it short this writer wants the readers to ponder over this theory & come up with their own inputs in this matter.

Thursday, January 2, 2020



Other examples:

a.  Shivaji Rao Gaekwad was a bus conductor but his innate talent made him Rajnikant.

b.  A family of lawyers had a school dropout in their midst. This dropout became Kamalahasan.

c.   Writers Munshi Premchand, Sharat Chandra Chattopadhya etc were always in dire financial straits but this did not prevent them from becoming legends.

d.  Bal Thackrey was just a cartoonist by profession. But he ended up as a national leader.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020



Other Examples:
a.  Amitabh Bacchan was forced by destiny to work as a shipping executive. But this did not stop him from becoming the star of the millennium.
b.  Music director Ilaya Raja came from very humble backgrounds but today due to his musical genius he is a living international legend.
c.  Music director AR Rahman is so talented that he won an Oscar.
d.  Poet & Lyricist Gulzar began his career as a mechanic but became an icon on his own steam.