Saturday, August 31, 2019


There is a perpetual tussle between the positive & negative 

energies to exercise their control over humans. While the 

negative energy is active and possessive the positive energy is 

passive & seems indifferent. Actually it is equally caring but it 

wants the human beings to improve their strength within 

themselves & fight with the negative energy.

Friday, August 30, 2019


When the mind has an upper hand in the decisions made by the living entity based on ideas sent by the intelligence from the causal body, the living entity is called genuinely intelligent.
However when such decisions are made by the mind (feelings) & the senses (lust), the living entity is called cunning.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


However if bodybuilding is based on vibrations from the super soul, the body gets energy from every particle visible & invisible in the universe.

Lord Hanuman is known not only for his physical but also his mental vigor. Yet he spends all his time only meditating on lord Rama.

Here body building /health/strength of the devotee becomes the responsibility of the super soul.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Now the next case is taking vibrations from the soul. From here bodybuilding becomes spiritualized. 

Guru Govind Singh was known for his spiritual strength.

Bhimsen became huge thanks to his spiritual strength. 

However he is accused of resorting to gluttony which probably did not contribute to his strength.

On second thought he was called ‘Vrikodara’ that is ‘wolf’s belly’’ which is very lean but the wolf is supposed to be always hungry.

Probably Bhimsena took his energy from the ether but because of his enormous size, other ignorant people thought that he ate a lot.        

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


The third case is intelligence that is the causal body. 

Intelligence means logic, that makes the person wonder whether such an extent of physical strain is indeed necessary.

Sohom Swami aka Tiger Swami, began his adult hood as a body builder but later used just his thought process to build a stupendously healthy & strong body. 

Similarly some in the intelligence level take to yoga & meditation. 

The legendary Bruce Lee though not a body builder became a martial artist just by focusing his intelligence on this subject.
Here material food is not given much importance. 

Trailanga Swami just drank gallons of clabbered milk occasionally but weighed 300 pounds.

However such intelligent people soon get skeptical of thinking on the transient body level.
Tiger Swami went to the extent of writing a book called ‘’COMMON SENSE’’ which gave more importance to mental rather than physical strength.

Monday, August 26, 2019


The next level is mind. When a person focuses his mind into body building, he as the legendary body builder ‘AKIM WILLIAMS’ put it, ‘’ EATS, DRINKS & SLEEPS’’ body building & competition.

Such bodybuilders have a goal towards their pursuit. They are competitive, get slowly addicted to body building and get into a groove where bodybuilding and the resultant competition become an end in themselves. Same is the case with power lifting & athletics which these guys pursue to get into strongman, & iron man competitions.

However the mind means feelings. Here the bodybuilder is emotionally involved with his/her hobby. He/ She resorts to gluttony to build his/her strength.

Sooner or later the person may get disillusioned & diversify into other things namely mixed martial arts, arm wrestling, wrestling, boxing etc. or give all this up completely and retire.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


This example will prove this point that mind is more powerful than senses:

Suppose there is a body builder. Body building comes only to those who enjoy physical pain. That is why it is termed as


When the body builder tries to build his body only at the senses level his brain is full of lust. This fellow does exercises  only to build a beautiful physique and show it off to attract the public, make others envious & to attract the opposite sex.

Here the living entity resorts to dieting, consuming health food etc. to make his/her body attractive.

Such a penchant for this hobby usually either wears off with age or at best remains on this level.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


As mentioned somewhere before, the mind is the upper & senses are the lower chamber in the astral body. 

Transmissions from the mind may or may not be based in turn on transmissions from the intelligence, soul or super soul. They may have been concocted at the mind level.

Similarly the final messages which the senses gives outlet to through the gross body, may for all practical purposes be the figment of crass imagination of the senses themselves.

Friday, August 23, 2019


When ideas from the intelligent causal body are transmitted from there to mind in the astral body, the buck usually stops there.

Whereas ideas are purely intelligence oriented & logical, now the mind begins to apply a coating of feelings on them.

The mind chews on ideas and masticates them thoroughly before sending this work-in-progress further to the senses.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Ideas from the intelligence are transferred to the mind in the causal body. Just like before, such ideas may or may not be based on transmissions from the super soul or the soul but could have sprouted straight out of the fertile intelligence of the living entity.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


The karma & current experiences of a cop and a robber will be very different. Similarly the intelligence of both will vary. 

Now if the transmissions take place in each living entity’s intelligence from their individual souls their reaction to it may vary drastically.

Whereas the robber will begin having ideas to perpetrate a crime, the cop will think about how to stop it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Similarly the experiences of each living entity will be different depending on the entity’s surroundings, back ground, tastes, preferences & education etc.

A wrestler & a beauty queen will have different experiences.
Similarly the intelligence of each entity is different. One can not think like the other. 

Hence reactions of each living entity to transmissions from its own soul especially when these in turn are not based on messages from the super soul will be very different.


The causal body is made up of pure intelligence. When it receives messages from the soul, it converts those transmissions into ideas, by using the intelligence. 

These ideas are material and are as different as chalk & cheese between one living entity & the other.

These can be elaborated like this:

The individual soul of all is similar spiritual spark (in quality) in every one. However the recording of past karma in each is different. Based on those recordings the soul has taken the present incarnation.

Thus the karma of a sage, an educated person, an entrepreneur, and a criminal must be different.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Because the individual soul has chosen the causal/astral/gross body that it wants to occupy, each living entity finds himself/ herself totally comfortable in that body. 

That is more so because of the perpetual transmissions from the individual soul within to the sub-conscious mind of the living entity.

Just like the transmissions from the super soul to the soul, there are messages from the soul to the causal body. On an average only fifty percent or less than that of those messages are the ones that are dovetailing from the super soul to the causal body.

Usually the fountain head for such messages from the soul to the causal body is the soul itself. These messages are in turn based on extractions from a blend of the recordings of past karma & the gleanings from present experiences of the living entity.

Friday, August 16, 2019


However there are some rare exceptions to the rule that the nature of humans cannot be changed :

Ratnakar was a highway robber who became Maharishi Valmiki & wrote the great epic Ramayana.

Thirumanjai Alwar a Hindu saint was a dacoit.

Goswami Tulsidas the saint who composed Tulsidas Ramayan, was an ordinary shopkeeper who was besotted with his wife.

Albert Schweitzer was a heart surgeon as well as cellist.
Though such examples are several they cannot be reduced to a rule.


The soul bases its choice of causal, astral & gross body on the basis of the karma it has recorded for the living entity birth after birth.  

That is precisely the reason for the difference between a monk, a sage, a saint, an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, a soldier, a cop, a robber, a burglar, a murderer, a fool etc.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The soul’s main purpose is to record the Karma(deeds) of the living entity through its endless births.

God has been kind enough to begin this cycle of Karma only after the living entity reaches the human form. That is because the sixth sense of instinct begins only in this incarnation.

Plants, insects, reptiles, trees, animals etc. are blessed only with five senses. That makes them incapable of judging what is morally right & morally wrong.

Monday, August 12, 2019


Permanent & perpetual transmissions from the super soul to the soul are meant solely to guide the living entity towards it.
If the soul adheres to these well rounded transmissions from the super soul to the soul and acts accordingly it will seldom make any mistakes.

This is because the soul is the last bastion of spiritualism. Further transmissions from the soul reach the causal body that is material.

Hence it is all the more important that the transmissions from the soul are based on the transmissions from the super soul. It is because these can give birth to tranquility in the causal body which will be further transferred to the Astral body.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


This gross body is inert without the existence of the individual soul within.

Because the super soul is omnipresent throughout the universe, it is aware of the feelings or otherwise of every inert and living matter.

It knew very well that excessive exploitation of seaside sand by self serving humans will lead to disaster. And this blasphemy of the laws of nature caused the rains & floods.

There is a fear of global warming due to excessive air pollution by man.

Cutting of trees has resulted in endless chaos.

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Even the level of senses differs between the living beings in magnitude.

The dogs smell better.

Some animals see better especially at night.

The female species among humans has more refined senses of taste, touch & smell.

Humans can gauge the unknown better.

Friday, August 9, 2019


Though the soul is present in each living entity, the presence of various senses is different in each of them. 

The following table will elucidate on them:

Particulars                                                     Senses

Trees, plants, shrubs & Vegetation           Touch

Some worms, insects etc.           Touch, Taste, smell etc.

Reptiles, snakes etc.                   Taste, touch, smell, sight.

Other animals                        Taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing.

Humans                  All 5 senses + 6th sense that is instinct.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


The present medical world has progressed far enough to handle the disturbances & diseases caused by Air, Fire, Water & Earth in the human metabolism.

However it is still at sea as to what causes disturbances in the first element that is the ether which is the fountainhead for the other four.

This is the main reason why though treatment & medication as such is available to handle the following problems, the root cause for their very appearance is still unknown:



Cardiac arrest

Heart Attack



How I Learned To ASTRAL PROJECT In ONE DAY // AP 001

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


In the beginning there is only Ether. This ether causes Air. Air gives birth to Fire. Fire brings out Water, which ultimately gives birth to earth.

Of these Fire, Water & Earth are visible to bare eyes & also felt . Air can be felt but not seen.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


This gross body is in turn made up of the following:

Monday, August 5, 2019


The overall parcel of the individual soul, the causal body of intelligence & the astral body of mind/senses, is ultimately covered in a capsule called the gross body.

The senses in the Astral body finally discharge their five essentials through the gross body as follows:

Sense                                                     Organ

Taste                                                      Tongue

Smell                                                      Nose

Sight                                                       Eyes

Hearing                                                  Ears

Touch                                                     Skin

Sunday, August 4, 2019


This Astral body consists of two halves- the upper & the lower. The upper half consists of the mind. The lower half consists of the senses. The lower half senses are made up of five elements viz. Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing & Sight.
These senses use the gross body to give a final outlet to their ingredients.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


This package consisting of the individual soul & the causal body is further covered by what is known as Astral body. Astral bodied beings live in the Astral world. Any individual who resorts to Astral projection goes within himself/herself & then discovers a new & different universe which he/she can shape according to his/her tastes/whims/fancy.

Friday, August 2, 2019


This causal body resides in the causal world where its inhabitants take their energy by drinking the manna of bliss.
Inhabitants of the causal world are highly evolved spiritually & are just a step away from enlightenment, liberation & self realization.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Till this stage everything is spiritual. The supreme soul & the individual soul are eternal and belong to the spiritual kingdom which is not only infinite in size but which keeps growing.
However the individual soul is enveloped by a thin material veil called the causal body. This causal body is extremely subtle & consists of intelligence. The spirit soul which seems to be present inside this causal body along with the individual soul is actually omnipresent. It pervades the whole universe & hence cannot be cocooned in a shell.