Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Self Realization

1There is nothing greater or more purifying than to converse about God or his divine play.

The highest religion for man is unconditional love for god.

If one attains this love he attains truly divine wisdom.

Religion is meant to achieve self realization.

Truth is infinite eternal knowledge.
It is called:
 Brahman by Vedic scholars
Universal spirit by Hiranyalok worshippers and
 God by devotees.  

The self controlled munis having developed reverence and faith in their hearts discover true love and realize the universal self within themselves.
Regardless of religion, caste or creed only those who please the lord with their unconditional and true love, are blessed.

God is the true refuge and strength of all.

By meditating upon him one can cut off the bondage of Karma.

A man of good deeds realizes faith in religion when he is the company of holy men.

When one revels in the word of God, all impurities are washed away and true love is discovered.

In the mind thus purified, there is pure joy.

When pure joy is discovered all false ego vanishes and material Karma ceases to exist.

Hence the wise man should love god and find joy within himself.

The greatest goal for all is the love for God.

God who dwells in every particle in the universe, is pure consciousness.

Infinite is the lord and infinite are his expressions.

But  Lord Sri Krishna the embodiment of love and divinity is the special manifestation of the lord.

The self realized soul attains liberation and shines blissfully in its own glory. 

Blessed are the sages who love God.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Self Realization

                                                           June – Adult- Gross Body

This is the final stage in the development of the gross body. Beginning with infancy  the native slowly grows up through childhood and teenage into what is the prime in his or her physical development.

In this stage the native is a full grown person. At last he/she is ready to face the world, to begin a career, get a job, start a business etc. And because he/she is at this threshold he/she is a bundle of excitement, ambition, confidence and confusion.

As an adult who has not yet jumped into the market, the native has more confidence than capability. The native tends to be intelligent but haughty, flighty, and arrogant.

The native thinks and reacts very fast and hence he/she is contemptuous of those who are plodding and cautious.   

The native dresses sharply, looks attractive to the opposite sex and is glib and witty enough to be the life of a party or social gathering. However he lacks tenacity, experience, maturity and depth in thought and action and so gets tired and bored easily.

The native’s reactions are immediate and impulsive and this is not taken in a positive light by others. 

Moreover due to his complex set of emotions, the native tends to feel insecure and jealous towards others. 

To hide this feeling the native may resort to ridiculing his/her contemporaries, which results in antagonism.  

 Now recall those who are in this perpetual state of adulthood excitement.