Thursday, May 31, 2018


Slowly but surely the devotee would retreat to the causal body of intelligence. This is again a forest but instead of feelings, this place is full of trees of ideas.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Now the yogi may concentrate on the mind while doing yoga. This way he/she will feel like he/she is roaming around in an unending forest of thoughts and feelings within.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Mind is also the link between the subtle body and the causal body that is intelligence. From the mind level the yoga of the brain (which is an instrument for mind and intelligence in the gross body) begins. Hence from here meditation replaces physical exercises.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Senses and mind belong to the subtle body. Senses are supposed to represent or monitor feelings. There are five major senses being taste, touch, smell, see and hear. However the mind is the head quarters of the sixth sense that is instinct.   

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Even while doing physical yoga one can progress as follows. First one may concentrate on the gross body level and take due pains to make the gross body strong, healthy and beautiful.

Next he/she can go to the senses level and genuinely feel the physical pain and pleasure of doing the yoga.

Saturday, May 26, 2018


The devotee is likely to be born in a spiritual body, or in  the causal planet, or in the astral planet, or in a highly spiritual/religious transcendental family, or to some erudite and scholarly parents, or in a very rich and pious family, etc.

Friday, May 25, 2018


After the devotee passes on, he/she is carefully monitored and guided at every step by god and his/her servants. Thus this devotee will take birth in some family and take some body which would be conducive for the devotee to continue on his/her spiritual journey from the place he/she left in the previous birth.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


It is always better to progress step by step even in spiritualism. A step taken towards self realization is permanent even if the devotee is unable to reach his/her supreme goal in his/her lifetime.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Carrying out God’s instructions and orders is a gift in itself. One should always work as a servant/ devotee/ lover of god. There can never ever be a better employer than him/her. If you serve him/her with devotion, he will certainly take care of you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Remember it is far far better to be a slave and servant of god than to waste once time, energy and talents in sensual enjoyment or in serving another human being. A human being however good he or she may be cannot be god. We humans have our drawbacks but god is ever infallible.

Monday, May 21, 2018


Just like when the body &soul, without super soul feels weak, helpless, and hopeless, a stunned Arjuna realized that Lord Krshna had passed on when, he the hitherto mighty Arjuna was attacked and robbed by some local goons in Dwarka.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Remember that every living entity is a Dharmakshetra (Holi place). This is because the localized form of god ie. Paramatma resides in it as a super soul in the role of a mute witness of what its fraction the soul goes through. Along with the super soul, the soul is also present in the body.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Whenever you do yoga including meditation if you consider yourself as a part and parcel of the super soul you will feel a new type of bliss while doing yoga. In fact, if you are all the time in such a trance ie. considering yourself to be surrendered to god, you will at once become happy.

Friday, May 18, 2018


Remember it is always better for one when the instructions flow from the top to the bottom. If the link between the spiritual soul (ie. the super soul plus the soul) and the material body is broken then the body will begin acting on its own and lead one to hell. Here the Soul will be on a helpless, roller coaster ride where it will be reduced to being just a chronicler of karma of the living entity thus throwing one to endless miserable births and deaths.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


On the other hand the soul and the super soul are spiritual. Acting through these two is more beneficial to one especially when the orders pass from super soul to the soul and then from there to the body.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Remember this body is temporary and transient. While the gross body will be destroyed after death, the subtle and causal bodies will wither away sooner or later. The only difference is that while the gross body is made tangible by air, fire, water and earth, the subtle and causal bodies are regulated and monitored by the ether.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


You can try this yourself. There will be different sensations when you do yoga with your thoughts concentrated on the gross body, the senses, the mind, the intelligence, the soul and the super soul. 

As you go further within yourself in your thought process while doing exercises, it would get lesser and lesser painful and agonizing.

Monday, May 14, 2018


Only when the direction of flow of information and instructions is from the super soul to the gross body, the living entity starts on the way to ultimate liberation.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Yoga is perfect when it is done keeping in mind the supreme self and not the body.
One should dovetail the supreme soul to the soul which in turn will vibrate the intelligence which would send ideas to the mind as messages. The mind would then instigate the other senses to use the gross body accordingly. 

Remember the gross body should be controlled by the senses and not the other way round.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


The gross body is otherwise inert save for the consciousness that pervades it through the existence of the soul.

When the soul leaves the body the body becomes as dead as stone or a block of wood. That is why one is advised that one should not identify with the body (false ego) but the soul (ego) or the super soul (super ego).

Friday, May 11, 2018


The gross body is made up of five elements. They are the ether, the air, the fire, the water and the earth.

Whereas the last four are material and can be felt by the senses and at least the last three are tangible, the first ether is independent and not in the hands of the living entities yet what it does to the body, affects the other four collectively and individually.

Astrology is a science based on other factors in the ether that influence the destiny of an individual.

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Whatever ideas the intelligence has, are relayed to the mind, which conveys them to the senses which finally give vent to these ideas as feelings, through the gross body. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Every living entity has a different soul. Trees, bees, birds, animals, human beings all have an individual soul that spreads consciousness in each living entity.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Every living entity gets a body according to its past karma recorded by that particular soul for reference. That is precisely the reason that we all feel comfortable with the body we have and the status we find our self in. Our subconscious tells us that thanks to our past and present karma we are what we are.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Every living entity has a different soul. Trees, bees, birds, animals, human beings all have an individual soul that spreads consciousness in each living entity.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Yoga results in a strong and healthy body but this is only a byproduct. Yoga is actually the art cum science of dovetailing the gross body with the superego ie the spirit.

When one is practicing yoga one should concentrate more on the super soul than on the gross body. Meditation on the supreme self is hence a part of yoga.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


The gross body is otherwise inert save for the consciousness that pervades it through the existence of the soul.

When the soul leaves the body the body becomes as dead as stone or a block of wood. That is why one is advised that one should not identify with the body (false ego) but the soul (ego) or the super soul (super ego).

Friday, May 4, 2018


The gross body is made up of five elements. They are the ether, the air, the fire, the water and the earth.

Whereas the last four are material and can be felt by the senses and at least the last three are tangible, the first ether is independent and not in the hands of the living entities yet what it does to the body, affects the other four collectively and individually.

Astrology is a science based on other factors in the ether that influence the destiny of an individual.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Whatever ideas the intelligence has, are relayed to the mind, which conveys them to the senses which finally give vent to these ideas as feelings, through the gross body. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


The mind is extremely powerful and incredibly difficult to control. It can agitate itself even when one is sitting in seclusion. Mind is also equally fast and is prone to wander away any moment. There usually are several instances when the body is present in one place and the mind is elsewhere.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Mind is actually the head quarters of the sixth sense ie. instinct. That is probably the reason why it is considered as an extension of the senses, however it is not necessarily so. While the mind is the main link to the higher causal body of intelligence, the senses are linked to the gross body. Together they make the subtle body.