Monday, December 30, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that these 12 months define the following stages of growth in a human being:

January         Infant              Gross Body

February        Baby               Gross Body

March             Child              Gross Body

April                Adolescent    Gross Body

May                 Teenager       Gross Body

June               Adult               Gross Body

Gross Body is a combination of:

Ether, Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

July                 Romance and Marriage      Subtle Body

August           Sex                                         Subtle Body

Subtle Body is a combination of:

Senses and Mind.

Senses are of five types: Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing and Sight.

Sense Organs are:             Skin, Tongue, Nose, Ears, Eyes, and the Sex Organs.

Mind controls feelings and emotions. It is regulated by the right side of the brain.

September     Knowledge                           Causal Body

October          Experience                            Causal Body

Knowledge and Experience are controlled by Intelligence that is the left side of the 


November      Introspection                         Soul

December      Renunciation                         Soul

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that these 12 months can be further divided into various stages in the material life 

of a human being:

January                                 Infant

February                                Baby

March                                     Child

April                                        Adolescent

May                                         Teenager

June                                       Adult

July                                         Romance and Marriage

August                                   Sex

September                             Knowledge

October                                  Application of that knowledge

The material side of the soul ends here.

The next two months are controlled by the spirit soul.

November                              Planning and investment

December                              Harvest.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that for the following number of times the soul can take birth in human form in one cycle:

Number of months in a year: 12

Average Number of days in a year: 365

Total number of hours in a day: 24

Total number of minutes in an hour: 60

The total number of births in one cycle: 365X24X60=525600

Now the 12 months in the year may be bifurcated as follows:

January to October: Material

November and December: Spiritual

Now a further subdivision of these months based on human life:

January to June: Brahmacharya- Bachelorhood

July to October: Grihastha- Householder

November: Vaanaprastha- Leaving the material world and applying the mind in   
                                            Deep study and meditation

December; Sanyasa-          Renunciation  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when the soul begins its endless journey of births and deaths, it reaches the human form only after it has exhausted all its lives as cells, amoeba, weeds, shrubs, plants, trees, worms, reptiles, fishes, mammals and all other such beings.

As a human being, for the first time the soul takes birth in a form that is bestowed with sixth sense. And so its the beginning of the soul’s destiny.

The soul goes on an endless orbit as a human being in this material world till one day it realizes the futility of such life and turns towards God.

In the Chapter “Opulence of the Absolute” in the Holy Srimad Bhagawad Gita lord krshna declares:

“Among months I am Marga Sheersham- ie the months of November and December.
This verse plays a major part in the destiny of the soul.

There are 12 months in a year- January to December.

Lord Krshna is the supreme spiritual soul.

By this declaration Lord Krshna spiritualizes the 2 months of November and December.

These 2 are the last months in the Calendar.

Thus, the other 10 months from January to October belong to Maya the material world.  

In its endless journey of births and deaths the soul is born again and again through all these months


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when the soul begins its endless journey of births and deaths, it reaches the human form only after it has exhausted all its lives as cells, amoeba, weeds, shrubs, plants, trees, worms, reptiles, fishes, mammals and all other such beings.

As a human being, for the first time the soul takes birth in a form that is bestowed with sixth sense. And so its the beginning of the soul’s destiny.

The soul goes on an endless orbit as a human being in this material world till one day it realizes the futility of such life and turns towards God.

In the Chapter “Opulence of the Absolute” in the Holy Srimad Bhagawad Gita lord krshna declares:
“Among months I am Marga Sheersham- ie the months of November and December.

This verse plays a major part in the destiny of the soul.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that if you want to emulate someone, if you want to have someone as your perfect role model, the best person you can choose is GOD.

God is all mighty, all powerful, all attractive, all good, all knowledge, all opulent, and all renounced. This combination of transcendental qualities is indeed rare in fact humanely impossible.

However when you choose God as your ultimate hero and decide to emulate him, you take your first step towards self improvement.

When you take this first step, you realize that there is no better hobby than the pursuit of perfection.

As you are always thinking of God, negative thoughts do not enter your mind.

When you realize this your mind is filled with positive thoughts.

And when your mind is saturated with positive thoughts, your journey towards self realization begins.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the Lord is present in all living entities as the witness to their deeds.

Just like an indulgent parent who allows his or her child to play on its own and experience life on its own terms, God allows the living entity the freedom to use its faculties to experience life.

However as long as the child is under the observant eye of its parent, both are content that nothing wrong will happen.

But when the child while playing, wanders out of the eagle eye of its parent trouble begins.

Now the child is in the clutches of the material world without the parent coming to rescue the child.

The ardent struggle of the child, to escape the clutches of the material world results in the birth of destiny, which in turn causes endless births and deaths.

This tussle between the child and the material world goes on till the child realizes its true self as a child of God and focuses its sight on the Lord.

And as soon as this happens, the journey towards liberation begins.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Self Realization

Remember, whereas Arjun is Nar and the Supereme personality of Godhead is Narayan, the living entity is like Karna.

Just like the soul that was Karna, left his mother’s finger and went astray in the market the living entity has also left God and has plunged itself into the endless vortex of Maya.

As soon as a soul leaves the protection of God and begins its sojourn into the big bad world, its cycle of births and deaths begins.

After several million births as cells, amoeba, grass, plants, shrubs, trees etc it enters the animal kingdom.

After several million births as various animals it at last enters the Human form.

The destiny of the soul begins with its first birth as a human being.

This endless cycle of births and deaths in the human form, climaxes when the soul realizes the futility of this cycle .


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that The Mahabharatha is a story of every living entity.

Imagine a mother who has twin children. The mother loves both equally and prays for both of them.

One day the mother takes the children to the market. Because she has to do some shopping, she can not carry the kids and so she tells them to keep holding her finger lest they get lost. Each child is holding the index finger of her two hands.

Now the mother is busy selecting items for shopping. One child is still holding her finger, but the other one gets distracted by the happenings around and leaves her finger. This child is so attracted to the colorful toys that are being hawked in the street that he runs after the hawker in a trance.

After some time the mother realizes that one child is missing. She panics. And the first thing she does is to hold the other child close to her breast, while crying for help.

Every one runs helter skelter and all arrangements are made to find the lost child. But the child has vanished into the crowded market.

Now while both the children are in the same market, seeing all that is going around, one is safe in the arms of his mother and the other is on his own.

Both, the Mother and the lost child are distressed. Both are searching for each other. But this Maya Lok looks so attractive to the lost child that it keeps getting distracted and losing its way. As long as they do not find each other the ordeal will not be over for both of them.  

Karna and Arjuna are the two children and God is the mother.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Self Realization

Remember, the three major extensions of the Supreme personality of Godhead are

Maha Vishnu

Garbhodkasayi Vishnu

Kshirodakasayi Vishnu

All the infinite universes created by infinite Brahmas are held in their respective places by Maha Vishnu.

In each planet of each universe the Supreme personality of Godhead enters as Garbhodaksayi Vishnu.

And furthermore, in each atom of each planet the Supreme personality of Godhead enters as Kshirodaksayi Vishnu also known as the Super Soul.

Whereas there is a soul in every living being, the super soul is existing even in the non living things.

In each set of gross, subtle and causal body that is living, there is a soul and a supersoul.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that if you aspire for liberation, your should reject the sense objects as poison and seek forgiveness, straightforwardness, kindness, cheerfulness and truth as nectar.

The human body consists of three layers:

Gross, Subtle and Causal.

The gross body is made up of the three material ingredients namely Ether, Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

The Subtle body is made up of Senses, mind and intelligence.

The Causal body contains the soul.

And above all these is the Super soul which is an extension of God.

The root cause of one's endless births and deaths is- Attachment.

From attachment to an object desire is born. From desire fear emanates which slowly turns into anger. Anger quickly turns into illusion and from illusion comes false ego. It is the false ego which makes one commit acts which result in the birth of one's destiny.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self realized man acquires an inner spiritual glow because he is devoid of any false ego, and has purged himself of all passion and ignorance which are the root cause of all material miseries.

Remember that the self realized soul is always content with what it has and does not crave for any material thing.

Remember that the desire less one does not exhibit his knowledge, experience and talent to  impress others.

Remember that regardless of his status in life, the desire less one views everything without any ulterior motive or impression.

Remember that the self realized soul is full of guileless sincerity.

Remember that the self realized soul is content in both sleep and when awake.

Remember that the self realized soul is devoid of thoughts, feelings, senses, intelligence and ego even when he is possessing them.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self realized one does not have any material fears and doubts.

Remember that the yogi is Nirguna that is devoid of any material qualities.

Remember that for the yogi there is neither heaven nor hell.

Remember that the mind of the yogi is always filled with the nectar of supreme bliss.

Remember that the yogi is contented and calm in both happiness and misery.

Remember that the life of a yogi, devoid of all attachments is full of glory.

Remember that the true yogi transcends the endless cycle of births and deaths. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self realized person is pure consciousness and has nothing left to do in the material world.

Remember that the imperceptible self is revealed to the pure self, and thus he becomes tranquil.

Remember that the self realized soul is pure effulgence itself.

Remember that the liberated one sees only the self shining in different forms.

Remember that the illusion of the phenomenal world exists only till the knowledge of the self is attained.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the common man is agitated by the commotion within him even when he is inactive. Whereas the self realized on is calm even during activity.

Remember that the wise self realized man is happy even while discharging all material duties.

Remember that the self realized soul is forever calm and shines like a vast lake.

Remember that for the common man even withdrawal is an action. But for the liberated soul even action is withdrawal.

Remember that the self realized soul devoid of any material attachment looks and behaves like a child.

Remember that the self realized soul remains the same in all conditions.

Remember that the self realized soul is changeless like the universal space.

Remember that the self realized soul is the embodiment of perfect bliss.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when one realizes that the self is neither the doer nor the enjoyer all modifications of his mind are lost.

Remember that the conduct of the wise man shines because of his detachment.

Remember that the renounced ones are liberated and sometimes they enjoys the fruits of material life and sometimes they retire to the mountain caves.

Remember that the wise man is not aroused while being in the material world amidst carnal pleasures, or in the company of saints and sadhus.

Remember that the wise man is never perturbed even when he is scoffed at by those who know him.

Remember that the renounced man's state of mind is understood only by those who are like him.

Remember that the sense of duty so important in the material world does not apply to the renounced one.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that for the one who abides in the self, Self control is spontaneous and perennial.

Remember that for the liberated one there is neither the existence of the universe nor is the universe non existent.

Remember that the desire less intellect of the liberated soul does not need any outside support.

Remember that the liberated soul is free from all doubts and his mind is identified completely with the self.

Remember that by merely listening to the ultimate truth the liberated one blends his intellect with the self and becomes serene.

Remember that the liberated one acts spontaneously like a child.

Remember that the liberated one attains freedom to reach the highest peak of self realization. 

Self Realization

Remember that whereas the unintelligent person gets confused on learning about the truth, the wise man withdraws himself within and lives happily.

Remember that the liberated one remains happily in a perpetual trance.

Remember that the wise man attains tranquility merely learning the truth.

Remember that the self is tranquil, beloved, taint less, stainless, pure, enlightened, perfect and transcendental.

Remember that the liberated one realizes the true self by mere intuition.

Remember that the liberated soul realizes the true Brahman effortlessly.

Remember that the wise man cuts off the roots of misery that is desire. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the wise man who does all activities that come to him without asking, lives happily both in activity and inactivity.

Remember that there is neither joy nor sorrow for the one with a tranquil mind.

Remember that the wise man who is happy in himself, does not need to renounce anything, nor does he feel the loss of anything.

Remember that the wise man whose mind is void, does not feel either honor or dishonor.

Remember that the wise man who realizes that the activities done by him howsoever noble they may be, are actually done by his body and not by his self, does not act even when he is acting.

Remember that the liberated-in- life is a blessed soul.

Remember that the wise man withdraws himself from all worldly reasoning just like a tortoise which withdraws into a shell of its own.

Remember that the liberated one, who knows that the world is a figment of his imagination, lives as BRAHAMAN even in life.

Remember that the liberated one who is ego less, does not act mentally even when he is acting physically.

Remember that the mind of the liberated one is free from all doubts.

Remember that the liberated one becomes active and meditative spontaneously.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self is all bliss, serenity and effulgence. In its presence all delusions cease.

Remember that you will attain true peace and happiness only after renouncing all sense objects.

Remember that the sun of sorrow  arising out of one's deeds scorches the person. It is only the ambrosia of self realization that cures the wounds.

Remember that this universe is just the figment of collective imagination. The only thing that exists is the self.

Remember that the absolute, immutable, stainless and effortless self is always attainable.

Remember that when your illusions have ceased to bother you and you have seen yourself as the true self, you shine free from misery.

Remember that the self is BRAHMAN.

Remember that for a self realized soul nothing matters regardless of the company he is found in.

Remember that the self realized soul is liberated in life. Whatever actions he performs is just his lot in life.

Remember that the self realized soul lives beyond desire limitations.

Remember that the self realized soul does not have anything to meditate upon.

Remember that the self realized soul though living in the society is actually the reverse of the common man.

Remember that just like a dried leaf the self realized soul blows hither and thither swayed by the storm of his past actions.

Remember that the self realized soul lives with tranquility like one without a body.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that there is neither attachment nor aversion in the one in whom the ocean of the world has dried up.

Remember that the self realized person neither wakes up nor sleeps. He for ever enjoys the supreme state of self realization.

Remember that the liberated man is found every where in the society. Unattached to all the material things he enjoys supreme bliss.

Remember that the self realized man though living in the society like ordinary human beings, is indeed liberated.

Remember that the liberated man is free from the joy of all material things.

Remember that the liberated man does not see any difference between man and woman, fortune and misfortune, happiness and misery.

Remember that in the liberated man there is neither compassion nor violence, neither humility nor pride, neither wonder nor agitation.

Remember that the liberated man goes through neither contemplation nor non contemplation. He is attached to neither good nor evil.

Remember that the liberated man has attained a stage where there are no delusions, dreams or dullness.

Self Realization

Remember that the one who revels in his solitude, having controlled his senses, gains the fruit of knowledge and yoga.

Remember that the one who enjoys his solitude is not swayed by sense objects.

Remember that rare is the one on whom the impressions of his experiences do not exist and who does not crave for things not enjoyed.

Remember that such person is indeed rare who neither craves for sense gratification nor liberation.

Remember that rare is the person who is not after piety, welfare, sense gratification, noble deeds, liberation, life and death.

Remember that the one who enjoys solitude revels on what comes to him unasked.

Remember that the self realized person lives in this world happily, doing what others do, without getting attached to anything.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that even if you read and hear the scriptures of all religions several times, you can not attain self realization until you have forgotten them all.

Remember that whether you enjoy life, or attain samadhi, your mind will still yearn for your true nature which is the self.

Remember that the more you exert yourself unnecessarily the more you will be away from self realization.

Remember that the first step top self realization is for the mind to reject all pairs of opposites.

Remember that one who accepts sense objects is sensual, and the one who rejects them is non-sensual. The one who neither accepts nor rejects them attains true self realization.

Remember that desire is the root cause of all problems.

Remember that one who is free from all attachments does not feel miserable even while living in this material world.

Remember that the one who identifies with the body and not the self is miserable even in this life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are the self the pure knowledge. You are beyond nature. So have faith.

Remember that the body made of components of nature come sand goes away. But the self never fades.

Remember that in your infinite ocean of consciousness, universes come and go like waves. So you should not be perturbed by them.

Remember that as the pure infinite consciousness, you do not have to accept or reject any idea.

Remember that you are one immutable, stainless, infinite and serene consciousness. Hence you should not be perturbed by either birth or death.

Remember that as you perceive so you manifest. Just like jewelry made of gold is not different from gold.

Remember that you should reject the thoughts of "I am he" or "That I am not". Knowing yourself as the self be happy.

Remember that the universe appears to exist because of ignorance.

Remember that one who understands that this universe is pure illusion attains self realization.

Remember that as one infinite self there is neither freedom nor bondage for you.

Remember that you are of pure intelligence and so you should not waste your time affirming or negating things.  

Remember that to attain complete self realization you should give up any type of contemplation. You are the ever free self. So why do you need even meditation?

Self Realization

Remember that a person of pure intelligence realizes the self even by a casual reference imparted by a liberated soul.

Remember that passion for sense objects is bondage and distaste for the same is liberation.

Remember that the knowledge of  truth makes a wise person mute, inert and passive.

Remember that you are the pure consciousness and not the body that you have been identifying with for time immemorial.

Remember that all beings are in the self and the self is in all beings.

Remember that you are of pure intelligence and that the universe manifests itself in you like waves in an ocean.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when you are free from desires, you will begin to abide in your self.

Remember that when you have realized the supreme self your quest for emancipation will vanish.

Remember that the self realized men who roam among us can be understood only by other self realized men. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the tranquility that is born out of awareness that there is nothing but the self is rare even among the sanyasis.

Remember that one who lives happily by abiding in the self does not suffer the weariness of the body, the fatigue of the tongue or the distress of the mind.

Remember that there is nothing in this material world that is done by the self.

Remember that it is the yogis who are attached to the body, who speak of action and inaction. One who abides in the self is not disturbed by these trifle things.

Remember that the one who abides in self has renounced both good and evil. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when you begin to abide in your self you will eschew material action, speech and thoughts.

Remember that when you abide in yourself you will gradually lose attraction towards sense objects.

Remember that when you abide in yourself you will have neither anything to accept nor to reject, you will feel neither happiness nor sorrow.

Remember that when you begin to abide in your self you do not need any meditation.

Remember that blessed is the man who fulfills himself with his nature divine.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that he who has understood with certitude that change and destruction are an inherent part of this material world will certainly attain liberation.

Remember that one who understands with certitude that God is the creator of all will immediately attain inner peace and liberation.

Remember that one who understands with certitude that fortune and misfortune are a part of this material life and are the results of past actions, shall at once eschew desires and become liberated.

Remember that passion for material things is bondage and distaste for the same is liberation.

Remember that the knowledge of truth makes an eloquent, wise and active person mute and wonder struck.

Remember that the root cause of all problems and sorrows is anxiety.

Remember that one who understands that he is not the body but the self attains liberation.

Remember that one who realizes that this marvelous universe is nothing, attains liberation.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you should cultivate indifference towards everything by abandoning Desire, Wealth and Piety.

Remember that to attain self realization you should consider everything around you including all that you possess as the part of a dream.

Remember that the basic ingredient of this material world is  Desire. Cultivate dispassion towards it and be happy.

Remember that desire is bondage and its destruction is self realization and liberation.

Remember that you as the supreme self are one pure intelligence. All other things are unreal, inert and ignorant.

Remember that despite your attachment to material things, they have repeatedly been taken away from you for the past endless births.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when your mind desires or grieves for something, accepts or rejects something or feels happy or angry about something, you are in bondage.

Remember that you are free when you are desire less.

Remember that you are free when you are detached from all sensory perceptions.

Remember that rare is the person who, after observing the ways of human beings, has extinguished his passion for life, his desire to enjoy and his quest for knowledge.

Remember that the man of wisdom becomes serene and indifferent towards this transient world of miseries.

Remember that the pair of opposites has existed in man from time immemorial. One who is content with what comes to him unasked is indeed a man of perfection.

Remember that that man is indeed tranquil who is indifferent towards the diverse opinions of sages and seers.

Remember that one who apprehends the true nature of pure consciousness by cultivating a complete indifference to the world, by equanimity and by logical reasoning and thus escapes this endless circle of life and death is indeed the true spiritual guide.

Remember that the only constituent of this world is desire. So eschew desire and attain renunciation.      

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Self Realization

Remember, just like the mighty ocean is not perturbed by the endless waves that rise and fall in it, the self is not perturbed by the endless universes that spring forth from it and then dissolve in it.

Remember that as the profoundly tranquil and infinite self, your should not be affected by the endless activities that happen around you.

Remember that the self is not an object. It is infinite and taint less.

Remember that as pure consciousness you will find the universe look like a magic show only.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that as a pure self you do not have any contact with anything and hence you do not have to renounce anything.

Remember that the universe rises within you like a bubble in the ocean and then gets dissolved back into the ocean that is your self. Hence enter into laya the dissolution of the universe within you.

Remember that you are not affected by life and death, pain and pleasure, hope and disappointment. Knowing this enter into laya.

Remember that as the true self you are infinite like the space and this universe is like a small jar floating in that universe.

Remember that you as the self are like and ocean and that the universe is like a wave.

Remember that as the true self you are in all beings and all beings are in you. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when your realize your true identity as the self you will not be perturbed by any thing that happens around you and in your life.

Remember that a true sage is one who is content in self knowledge.

Remember that a true sage does not consider anything as acceptable or unacceptable.

Remember that the person who has realized his true identity as the self, is different from the other common beings, even when both live in this world and play the game of life.

Remember that even when abiding in this state of self realization which even the demigods hanker for, the sage is not at all elated.

Remember that the heart of such a sage is not contaminated by virtue or vice.

Remember that of all the creations of Brahma, only a self realized sage is capable of renouncing desires and aversions.

Remember that such a sage is indeed rare.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when there is a mental turmoil within you, endless worlds emerge automatically. These worlds remain in the ocean of your mind, jostle about for some time and then disappear. It is only when the mind is free of any turmoil that one begins to realize his true self.

Remember that once you realize is true identity as the non dual self, your lust for accumulation of wealth will automatically disappear.

Remember that it is the non apprehension of self that results in the attachment towards sense objects.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self your sense of ownership and doer ship will vanish.

Remember that once you realize that the self is supremely beautiful all consciousness, you will shy away from sense objects.

Remember that once you dwell firmly in your transcendental non duality, you will not be swayed by lust.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are nothing but the light. When the universe appears, it is you alone who shine.

Remember that just like silver in the mother of pearl, snake in the rope and water in the desert, the universe appears to one's eyes through the misapprehension of the self.

Remember that just as the pot dissolves into mud, waves into the ocean, and jewelry into gold, the universe dissolves into the self.

Remember that the triad of knowledge, knowable and the know-er exists within you because of the misapprehension of your true identity as the taint less self.

Remember that the root cause for all problems in the sense of duality. When you differentiate between the self  and the universe woven around you, you come across all problems.

Remember that the universe around you abides in you, but it does not exist within you. You are the taint less, serene, non dual self.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self, you will also realize that the body, the notions of heaven and hell, happiness and distress etc. do not exist.

Remember that once you realize your true identity as the self, you will feel like a person in a forest, a midst the multitude of humanity around you. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are taint less, serene, pure consciousness and beyond nature. Hence do not be bewildered by delusion.

Remember that the self illumines this universe which we live in. In other words, the self creates the universe when it illumines it.

Remember that just as the waves and foams are not different from the waters they originate from similarly the universe is not different from the self from which it originates.

Remember that just like the cloth when examined, is nothing but woven thread, similarly, the universe is nothing but a creation of the self.

Remember that just as sugar made by sugarcane juice is pervaded by the sugarcane juice similarly the universe is pervaded by the self.

Remember that the universe appears with the ignorance of the self and disappears with the knowledge of the self.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that what one thinks he becomes. If you think that you are free you will become free and if you think that you are bound you will become bound. If you think that you are helpless, weak, and a desperate creature of passions and impulses, you will never be able to enjoy the inner strength and beauty of your personality.

Remember that on the other hand if you keep reminding yourself of your own divine nature, you will reach the royal path to self attainment.

Remember that the self is all pervading, perfect, non dual, free consciousness. It is action less, unattached, desire less and quiet.

Remember that you should give up all external and internal fluctuations and meditate upon the self as immutable non-dual consciousness.

Remember that you have to cut asunder the rope of body consciousness and realize your true nature as the self.

Remember that you are unattached, self effulgent, and taint less.

Remember that you are unconditioned, changeless, of profound intelligence, serene and unperturbed. Hence seek self consciousness alone.

Self Realization

Remember that once you detach yourself from your body and abide in your conscious self, you will at once become happy and blissful.

Remember that when one is attached to his body, he is victimized by the laws of the material world. As a result his mind and intelligence are possessed by the five evils viz. Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion and False ego. And as long as these five forces control one's gross, subtle and causal bodies, he can never attain liberation.

Remember that you do not belong to any caste, creed, color or community. You are the immutable non dual self.

Remember that vice and virtue, happiness and distress etc are attributes of the mind and not of the soul which is beyond all these material feelings.

Remember that you are the supreme bliss on which the universe is superimposed.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are neither the ether, the air, the water, the fire or the earth nor its subtle permutations and combinations. You are actually the pure self which is the witness of all this. You are the pure consciousness itself.

Remember that the five material elements are the gross substance which for part of the gross human body. In their subtle form they act as senses, mind and intelligence. Together these elements play their part in the material world. The self is just a witness to all that is enacted by these elements.

Remember that a vasana begins as a desire  disturbance on the intellect which in turn transfers this as a thought disturbance to the mind. This in turn is shifted to the body level and gets exhausted over a period of time. When all the residual vasanas are thus exhausted, there is no disturbance any more and so the mind and body equipment does not have any purpose of existence. And then teh individual ego awakens to realize its true identity as the pure consciousness- the self.                                                                

Remember that as an entity who has been identifying himself with the material body for millions of births, the student should first negate this existence and assert his true identity as a spiritual soul to attain self realization.

Remember that just like the sunlight illuminates the objects in a room, the self illuminates our life and activities within us and without.

Remember that identification with the material body is illusory and painful, and identification with the spirit soul is real.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


                                                               SELF REALIZATION

Remember that if you aspire for liberation, you must reject the objects of senses like poison and instead seek forgiveness, straight forwardness, kindness, cheerfulness and truth as nectar.

Remember that mind is thought flow. The more the thoughts that gush into the mind the more uncontrollable it becomes. And so all factors that control the mind should be cultivated.

Remember that spiritual development and higher meditation are possible only for a totally integrated inner personality.

Remember that you are not the ether, air, water, fire and earth nor its subtle and causal extensions. You are the pure, untainted, consciousness.

Saturday, August 24, 2013



                                      SELF- WITNESS TO ALL


The Astavakra Gita systematically deals with the mystical experiences of an individual in his flight towards transcendental peace and b.liss. The subtle philosophical truths are expounded in the form of a lucid dialogue between the Raja Rishi or King Seer Janaka as the disciple and Astavakra as the teacher. The thoughts of this Gita are compatible with the “Dialoues of Pluto” and “The Bhagavad Gita” as all of them truthfully record the universal insight and the spiritual experiences which a seeker gathers during moments of intense meditation.

Like in the Holy Gita here too the teacher constantly directs the entire

delusion (Maya) and no universe(Jagat).

There is only one infinite consciousness – The Self.

According to Astavakra there is only one goal to be aspired for and reached, and that is self knowledge through direct mystical intuition- Vijnana.

According to Astavakra the pure effulgent self is ever unattached and it is a peaceful all knowing witness of all that is happening in all the creatures. It is the one supreme and eternal God, the Brahman, the ultimate reality. This one universal consciousness supreme which is the substratum for the changing world of phenomena should be realized through the practice of meditation till we rise above the misconception that we are the limited ego- the self reflected in our thoughts.

In the dim light of the dusk, the long post may look like a ghost. But this vision of the ghost is a mistake of the seer and not of the post. Similarly due to the deluded vision of a human being, a universe is visualized. But in reality there is only one all pervading pure effulgent self. In other words the ignorance of the self gives birth to the sense of duality just like the ignorance of the post gives birth to the ghost. Ignorance is a combination of

non apprehension of reality and misapprehension of the self. And knowledge is the antidote for ignorance.

As long as the individual recognizes this world of objects, emotions and thoughts through is gross, subtle and causal body, he can not escape his sense of limitations and his experience s of suffocating sorrows. Only when one liberates himself from his identification with his body and his ego, will he realize his infinite divine status.

Attachment springs forth from ignorance and detachment springs forth from knowledge.

When one aspires for liberation, he should reject all sense objects as poison and seek forgiveness, straight forwardness, cheerfulness, kindness and truth as nectar.

In other words all matters that relax the mind should be cultivated and all that agitate it should be avoided. We are surrounded by sense objects and we should exercise our discretion to reject them. Besides this the mind should also be guarded against its own innate and inherent sensuality by inculcating the healthier values of life and by reeducating the wayward mind. These healthy values are forgiveness, straight forwardness, cheerfulness, kindness and truth.

The sense of angry revengefulness brings endless disturbances to the mind. Whereas when we forgive those who have wronged us, we at once become happy and peaceful.

 Similarly crookedness in our relationship with others brings un necessary tension but straightforwardness gives peace.

Kindheness and cheerfulness bring poise and grandeur to the mind.

And finally truthfulness or intellectual honest is a prerequisite for any form of spiritualism.

Spiritual development and higher meditation are possible only in an integrated inner personality.

One should realize that he or she is not the gross, subtle or causal body. He or she is the embodiment of the pure consciousness which is actually a witness to all these bodies made of ether, air, fire, water, earth, senses, mind, intelligence and false ego. The subtle and causal bodies function through the gross body that is made of the five gross elements. The residual vasanas in each one of us swell up to express and exhaust themselves. A vasana sprouts first as a desire disturbance in the intellect which in the mental zone produces thought disturbances and they in turn precipitate at the body level as the exhausting activities of the individual in the society. The gross and subtle equipments of one’s existing vasanas are fabricated by the nature out of these five great elements. Once the vasanas have been exhausted the gross and subtle bodies do not have any function and the individualized ego sense awakes itself to rediscover as the pur infinite consciousness the self.

To complete the process of negation of our gross and subtle bodies, a positive assertion of our spiritual nature is necessary. In order to liberate oneself from the delusory sorrows of the body and of the mind one should learn to experience the self within.

Just like the sunlight illuminates the objects in a room, the consciousness within us illuminates our experiences through our gross, subtle and causal bodies. Similarly just as the sunlight does not get involved with what it illuminates, the consciousness within us is unattached to all these experiences. This relation less-relationship between the self and the bodies is emphasized to help the student of self realization to meditate on his self. When through meditation the student withdraws himself from these bodies, in the resulting inward stillness all these vasanas get burnt up, uplifting the student into the plain of the pure consciousness itself.

If you detach yourself from the body and abide in consciousness you will at once become happy, peaceful and free from bondage.

Meditation is a method of withdrawing ourselves from our gross, subtle and causal bodies and abide ourselves in consciousness.

Astavakra, Sankaracharya and other like minded saints declare that the realization of the self is possible even when a saint lives in his body and functions like any other mortal. This is known as jeevan mukti.

According to Yoga Vashishtha in case, renouncing all, without any vasanas, you can stay, then right now you have attained liberation. Astavakra Gita lays the foundation and indicates the path that expounds infinite oneness and the theory of non creation of the universe.

If we possess wealth it is okay, but if the wealth possesses us then it is wrong.    

If we enjoy good food it is okay but if the food starts enjoying us then nit is wrong.

Similarly if we control our body then it is okay but if the body begins to control us then it is wrong.

One does not belong to either any caste or creed or any station of life. In other words he does not belong to any religion, community, caste, or country. Nor does he belong to any of the ashramas viz. Bramhacharyam, grihastam, vaanaprastham or sanyasam. We are all self which is not perceivable by the senses. Thus unattached, formless and witness of all, one should be happy.

As the illuminator, the pure consciousness is completely detached from the entire world of objects. Self is formless and unconditioned by anything other than itself.

All that constitutes the enjoyable, the enjoyer and the enjoyment in the three different states of consciousness are different from the witness of all these stages.

Once we realize this all our sorrows, tensions, and stresses vanish and we at once become peaceful.

Thus a growing sense of peace and happiness floods the bosom of the seeker who seeks the inner sanctum sanctorum of the self.

Virtue and vice, happiness and sorrow are all attributes of the mind. The self is neither the doer nor the enjoyer. It is ever free. As long as the ego exists, one identifies oneself as a doer or the enjoyer. These two assertions collectively constitute the illusory sense of ego.

When this ego functions through this world of objects it pursues virtues and indulges in vices. Here it is the doer. Again the same ego gets tossed around in its experiences of happiness and sorrow. In short the ego can not escape  the conflicts created by the pair of objects.

It is thus advised that the conflicts of good and bad, and the struggles between pleasure and pain are all evaluations of the mind and therefore belong to the mind alone and not to the self. Virtue and vice are again the evaluations of the intellect. The self is the all pervading consciousness.  As the pure self one is ever free from the conflicts and confusions of one’s own ego. The doer and enjoyer status within us gushes forth from our identification with our mind and intellect which jointly feed our ego. When all its identifications with the mind and the intellect have ended, the ego returns to its original position as the BLISSFUL SELF.

The human being is a seer of all that happens around. It is indeed his bondage that instead of identifying himself as the self, he sees himself as something different.

The consciousness in one is the light in which his organs, senses, mind and intelligence function. These are the equipments through which the consciousness perceives the world of objects and subjects, emotions and thoughts. In other words the self is the sole seer that looks at the world through the live of an individual. Thus as the sole seer it is ever free.

The cause of all the problems for an individual is the fact that instead of identifying himself or herself as the self, one identifies with the limited ego which in turn is conditioned by the equipments of experiences.

Self is the only subject, All other things belong to the world of objects. The world of objects is illusory superimposed on the self which is the subject. The self can see without eyes, hear without ears, and is devoid of all forms.

Self is all knowing ever pure knowledge and there is none that knows the self.

It is self destructive for any individual to glorify himself and his ego that he is the doer of all activities. On the other hand when he develops a humility that he is not the doer of the big things that he has done then this feeling acts like a nectar in his life.

When the ego begins to function the mind and the intelligence get polluted by the poison of sensuality. This gives birth to the passionate urge to acquire, possess and enjoy sense objects which ultimately results in spiritual annihilation.

One should burn down the forest of ignorance and realize that he is pure consciousness. This way one can discard all his grief and become happy. Just like when a person goes deep into a forest he gets lost and becomes upset similarly when one finds himself in the midst of the forest of ignorance he his enveloped by all the negative vibes.  These negative vibes are in the form of lust, fear, anger, greed, illusion and false ego which make the entity more and more spiritually weak.

When the entity burns down this forest of ignorance with the fire of certitude, he at once realizes his true identity as the self and all the sorrow is lifted from his shoulders making him peaceful, blissful and happy.

The knowledge gathered by our restless intellect is about the world of time and space, cause and effect. In other words it is the word of duality. When through Sadhana one develops an intellectual calmness and quietness, and then being turned inward he enjoys the dynamic spiritual peace within himself. 

It is the clean and purified intellect that contemplates the self within and ultimately realizes it.

The knowledge about the world outside is gathered by our senses, mind and intelligence only when the consciousness within us illuminates them. Therefore consciousness is also equated with knowledge. This consciousness is sullied by the objects of our experiences.

Consciousness of objects devoid of all objects is called Pure knowledge.

On transcending the mind and body equipment the seeker in meditation comes to realize the pure consciousness. This in turn burns down the forest of ignorance with the fire of certitude.

Joy and grief, happiness and sorrow are all feelings that emanate from the mind. When one transcends the mind, he also gets rid of these feelings. And the seeker goes beyond grief.

He who considers himself free becomes free and he who considers himself bound becomes bound by maya. The proverb that what one thinks he becomes is quite true in this world.

If you assert yourself as weak, helpless, and a desperate creature of passions, you will become that. On the other hand if you decide to take control of your life, you will do so immediately.

If you assert your own divine nature constantly and live without compromising your divine status you will begin walking on the royal path of self enfoldment.

In other words mind is the cause of bondage as well as liberation for any man.

What ever comes to the mind, man expresses it.

This is true in the spiritual world too. If we think that the rope is a snake, we will not visualize the rope. Instead we will keep seeing the snake.

The pure conscious self does not modify itself into the world of plurality. It is the mind that visualizes the self as maya. From the delusion created vasanas desires gurgle forth in us which are in turn expressed in our thoughts. And these thoughts in the mind project the world of experiences. At the non apprehension of the self the misapprehension of the world happens. And this gives rise to all the sorrows and turmoil in our lives.

By asserting our nature as the pure infinite consciousness we can come to this new dimension of experience divine.

The self is the witness, all pervading, perfect, non-dual, free, consciousness, action less, unattached, desire less and quiet. Through delusion it seems to be absorbed in the world.

In other words the self is not a part of that which it illumines. Just like the rope pervades the illusion of the snake, similarly the self pervades this dualistic material world and universe.

The self is complete. Nothing can be added to it and nothing can be reduced from it just like nothing is added to the post when it is visualized as a ghost.

The self is non dual and ever free.

As consciousness it is complete in itself.

And it is also action less though it is the substratum of all the material actions.

The self is desire less and unattached just like the space which holds the universe is unattached to the universe.

In its supreme perfection the self has nothing ot desire except itself.

As there are no desires hence there are no thought agitations and so the self is ever quiet.

As the perceiver feeler thinker entity the individualized ego gets entrapped in the happenings of this dualistic material world.

And driven by these desires the individualistic ego gets entrapped in the vicious circle of births and deaths.

However just like the rope does not become a snake, a post does not become a ghost, the self does not become the individualized ego.

On should give up all external and internal fluctuations, and the illusion that he is the false ego, and meditate upon his “self” which is the immutable non dual consciousness alone.

The self is the spiritual centre within every one of us.

When through consistent meditation on the self, the intelligence is totally soaked up with this reality, the seeker should begin dwelling in the self alone.

The self viewed as the substratum of the whole universe is called BRAHMAN and when this is expressed trhough ones mind and intellect it becomes the JIVA or the false ego.

Every one of us is bound by the rope of body consciousness. This rope can be cut only by the sword of the knowledge “ I am pure consciousness”.

As a soul which has passed through trillions of births an deaths, we are so used to identifying our self with our gross body that we find it difficult  to imagine ourselves as the soul.

One has to redeem himself or herself from one’s own delusion of body and mind. This will help one in getting away from the illusory sorrows. Intuitive illumination occurs the moment when ignorance is dispelled.

The self is unattached, action less, untainted, and self effulgent. The bondage arises when the ego takes to meditation to realize its true nature.

It is the limited finite alone that can act. The self is infinite and it has nothing to achieve by resorting to various types of material actions. A person acts to fulfill his or her ambitions. But where every thing is within reach there can be no ambition and hence no action is required to achieve it.

Similarly the self effulgence of the soul is never dimmed as it is pure and totally untainted.

The self is ever free and does not need any form of meditation. It is the limited ego that meditates to realize its true nature.

This is just like a person tries to sleep when he is not asleep. The moment he falls into a slumber, he does not need to try any more. Similarly as long as a person is meditating he has not apprehended the state of consciousness. Only the limited strives attain the unlimited. Its on the bonded who tries to achieve liberation.

Samadhi means awareness of the supreme consciousness as one’s own self.   

We pervade the universe we live in and it is in reality woven around us. We are actually pure consciousness. We should not give way to petty mindedness.

Just like the mud that is used to make a pot, pervades the entire pot similarly pure consciousness from which the entire universe is projected, pervades the universe itself.

Though the universe is pervaded by the self the self is unattached to it. In the consciousness the subject and the object form the warp and the woof of the universe woven as a magnificent tapestry.

By identifying with this universe of names and forms we give way to petty mindedness. To live and feel like the limited ego is unbecoming to our divine nature.

There is nothing greater than our essential spiritual being.

We are unconditioned, changeless, dense, with profound intelligence, serene and unperturbed. Hence we should desire consciousness alone.

We do not lack in any thing. As a contrast to the burning passions that constantly agitate the egocentric life, the self  in its supreme perfection and peace is ever serene.

When the intellect is devoid of all thought disturbances the self or pure consciousness is experienced directly.

As our desires, so are our thoughts. If we desire consciousness alone our thoughts become pure, serene and untainted.

That which has a form is false and that which has no form is changeless.

We should have a clear idea of what we are seeking. The meditator in us should realize that the ghost is unreal and the post is real. The waking is real and the dream is unreal. In other words all that is experienced on the material platform is unreal and the eternal truth alone is real.

Just as the mirror exists inside and outside the image that it reflects, the supreme self exists inside and outside this body.

Though when one meditates, he does so by going within himself or herself, but when one realizes one’s true identity he or she awakes to realize the boundless state of the infinite self.

The eternal self, infinite and unconditioned is ever present everywhere both within and without.

The very thought of inside and outside arises from the meditator’s body consciousness.

When the material body is not perceived the concept of inside and outside, are no longer valid.   

If you look at an empty pot, you realize that there is space inside the pot as well as outside the pot. But when the pot is broken the only thing that remains is space.

Similarly the seeke

r as long as he is within his conditionings, meditates on his self as the pure subject within himself, but once he realizes his true nature, he experiences the all pervading infinite nature.

In other words the individual, the universe and the creator are all different manifestations of the same infinite consciousness.
