Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that you are neither ether, nor air, nor fire, nor water nor earth. You are neither the gross, nor the subtle nor the causal body. You are eseential the spirit soul that is a witness to all that is happening within you and outside you. Be stationed in that spirit soul and you would attain eternal bliss, and happiness because this way you will attain god.

Remember that if you aspire for liberation you should discard objects of the sense as poison and accept truth, forgiveness, starightforwardness, kindness and cheerfulness like nectar.

Remember that mind is " incessant flow of  thoughts." The more the thought flow the more restless we become. Hence all those qualities that stop this thought flow should be cultivated and all those qualities that agitate the mind should be rejected. 

Remember that objects of senses are all around us and it is very difficult for us as ordinary mortals to escape them. And as long as we are attached to these sense objects it would be impossible for us to attain liberation. The mind is so powerful that even if it is in a cave in the himalayas it has the capacity to agitate itself through its thought proecss. Hence we should always try to make this mind devoid of any thought that would would drag us back to this life of duality.

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