Monday, April 1, 2019


Remember there is a famous proverb in Hindi. An elephant has two sets of teeth. one to show and the other to eat.

Similarly there are many who show something to the world but are very different from within.

The adages ‘All that glitters is not gold’ & ‘Good things come in small packages but bullshit comes in bulk” are very true in the material world. 

Examples are:

Huge iron boxes and lockers along with many enormous and muscular guards are required to protect a few tiny pieces of jewelry or precious stones.

Lot of thorns are needed to guard a few roses. Even here the roses have a short fruitful life but the thorns remain for eternity.                                   

Literally tons of mud and gallons of water are needed to grow a few lotus flowers.

An organization has just a few managers but thousands of workers.

The Howrah bridge in Kolkatta, India is known more for its huge scaffolding than the actual bridge which is tiny compared to the actual scaffolding.

A company is known by its showroom but actually it is its workshop or factory that matters. The showroom is just a tip of the iceberg.

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