examples of spiritual courage:
1. Chandragupta
Murya’s grandson emperor Ashoka who has been hailed as the greatest emperor in
the world died a mendicant in a village in Kerala.
2. Chaitnya
Mahaprabhu left everything and became a wandering monk.
3. His
disciple Sukhdeva Goswami could not even believe that he himself had written a
book called Chaitnya Charitamrata at a time when he himself was not only ailing
but totally bed ridden.
4. Bhaktivedanta
Swami the founder of ISCKON(International society for Krshna Consciousness) was
already seventy, was suffering from blood pressure & heart trouble, and was
practically penniless when he landed in New Orleans(USA), towed in a cargo ship
from India.
5. In
the next 10 years he wrote several spiritual books, went around the world 14
times on several spiritual tours, delivered numerous lectures, got thousands of
followers, & built 108 ISCKON temples around the word ultimately receiving
moksha (deliverance) on 14th November 1977 at the age of 80. All
this was possible just because of spiritual courage & god’s grace.
6. Swami
Yogananda Paramahansa founded YSS(Yogoda Satsang Society) to propagate Kriya
Yoga a form of meditation all around the world.
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