examples of spiritual courage:
Janakananda an American succeeded Swami Yogananda Paramahansa as head of YSS.
He is revered all over the world.
2. Daya
Mata a Mormon succeeded Janakananda as head of YSS and guided it till as a most
beloved motherly saint she reached her heavenly abode at age 99.
3. Jesus
Christ the king of Christianity was just 32 when he was crucified but who had
by then started an international religion.
4. Swami
Vivekananda reached heaven at forty but was already an internationally revered
saint who started the Ramakrishna Mission.
5. Even
Ramakrishna Paramhamsa gave up his whole life worshipping goddess Kali.
6. Sri
Aravindo Ghosh left his ICS exam to become a lawyer, and then exhibited immense
material courage by becoming a radical terrorist. But he spiritualized the same
courage by starting the internationally renowned Aravindo Ashram in
Pondicherry, India.
7. Swami
Sriyukteshwara Giri spent all his wealth in setting up Ashrams.
8. Ramana
Maharishi spent all his life in search of universal truth.
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