Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

God is the symbol of both physical as well as mental strength.

He is omnipresent and he is the support and refuge of all.

He is beyond space and time.

His names and forms are infinite.

He is the symbol of purity and saintliness.

He is the incarnation of the universal spirit.

All attributes and opulence are worthless if they are devoid of love for god.

God is the lord of all senses, the wealth of poor and the teacher of the wise.

God is the lord of saints and he meditates on himself.

God is the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Self Realization

                                               Srimad Bhagavatam

One should always think of god and his goodness.

That is the way to divinity and godliness.

When one is attached to god, his/her detachment from material world happens automatically.

God’s devotees who love him unconditionally live a life of blissful consciousness.

Association with such people purifies one’s heart.

God is manifested in all that is good.

God is all good, all knowledge, all attraction, all opulence, all power and all renunciation.

God is the soul of all souls.

While the Soul is Nar Super soul is Narayana.

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

There is one god, one truth and one existence.

Only wise men who realize the transitory nature of maya experience the real truth.

God is the light which drives away ignorance and burns down all evil karma.

One should always realize the goodness in oneself and always think good of others.

The devotees of god pray for an unending attachment to god.

One should seek the company of such devotees because association with them purifies the heart.

Those who are pure in heart love god dearly.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

When one realizes his identification with god the person becomes a free soul even while living in this world.

A self realized soul does every task as an assignment from god.

One should always meditate on god the supreme light from which the universes have emanated.

To know one’s self is the highest form of knowledge.

But this knowledge can be attained only by those who are not attracted towards the transitory pleasures of the material world.

God the lord of love is the only truth.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Self Realization

Srimad Bhagavatam

One should control his/her speech and should meditate on god all the time.

One should always be absorbed in god consciousness.

One who brings the humanity out of darkness of ignorance and leads it to light is indeed the true teacher and friend.

God is infinite, the highest of the high and the dispenser of bliss and knowledge.

One who worships god gets liberated.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

One should follow god the supreme teacher with total devotion.

One should be free from selfish desires.

One should be calm while facing the opposites of life.

One should see god in all and practice truth.

One should do only those deeds that please the lord.

One should seek the company of holy people and discuss about god.

One should not seek self praise.

One should retire into solitude and practice life’s truths.

One should revere the sages and respect their words.

One should perform one’s duties sincerely.  


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Self Realization

                                          Srimad Bhagavatam

To cross the ocean of Maya one needs the grace of self realized souls.

To receive their grace one should serve them humbly.

Human birth is a blessed birth.

It should not be wasted in hankering after material pleasures.

Instead it should be used to serve god.

By meditation upon and service to god, one becomes purified.

This purity leads to liberation.

Those who love god unconditionally love all.

Man is divine self.

When man learns the art of serving god he gets liberated.


Self Realization

                                               Srimad Bhagavatam

Though the worshipful lord does not need anything, he gladly accepts offerings from his devotees just to please them and shower his mercy upon them.

Following the ways of the wise one should respectfully bow down before the lord.

The lord charms away all evil.

In spite of being the almighty god is attainable by his devotees.

He manifests himself to those who worship him sincerely.

The wise who have become one with the lord, always sing his praises.

The greatest boon one may ask for is the boon to be God’s servitor.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Self Realization

                                          Srimad Bhagavatam

Those who drink the nectar of divine bliss, live like true devotees always contemplating upon God.

No temptation can take their mind away from God’s lotus feet.

One should learn to surrender one’s will to the will of god.

It is the all powerful divine will that rules the world.

The common man who identifies with his body and false ego is led through endless births and deaths by his Karma.

But a self realized soul is free from its karma and it becomes a part and parcel of the lord.

A devotee of the lord lives in the world without being attached to it.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Self Realization

                                               Srimad Bhagavatam

Blessed indeed is the birth, glorious indeed is the act, true indeed is the life, luminous indeed is that mind, and fruitful indeed is that word, which is consecrated to the loving service of god who is the self of this universe.

Man’s birth is indeed in vain if it is not dedicated to the service of the lord.

Unconditional love for god, total surrender to him and unquestioned servitude to the lord are the essence of all Vedas.

If one does not have unconditional love for god in his heart, all his deeds are in vain.

Of all the things that exist the self is the dearest.

The lord of love is our self.

So who else can be dearer than him?

Just like water poured on the roots of a tree nourishes the whole tree, similarly unconditional love for god fills the whole world with bliss.

So, one should worship god within one’s heart.

 God is supreme the lord of the universe.

Love and charity towards all beings, contentment under all circumstances, and control of all senses and passions leads one to god.

The lord is forever manifest in the pure heart of his devotees.

On should unite his/her heart, mind and soul to the lord and thus achieve unity with him.

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

One should bow down respectfully to the almighty who takes away all sorrows.

By meditating upon god and his divine attributes, man walks on the blessed path.

Blessed are they who know his true self for thus they are freed from all bondage.

God protects every devotee who considers god as his own.

God is the innermost self of all and his glories are limitless.

The greatest blessing of all is to be in the company of devotees.

God’s true devotees are angels who spread peace, bliss and truth all around.

As they are always thinking about god so their life is divine.

Devotees bless the earth by living here and are the source of purifying light.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Self Realization

                                                Srimad Bhagavatam

The deeds of an entity are recorded in his/her subtle body. After his/her death, which only destroys the gross body, the entity takes his/her next birth as per the deeds recorded in his/her subtle body.

The doer of deeds is the ego. Ego arises when the self begins to identify with the subtle and causal body, which in turn consist of senses, mind and intellect.

Subtle body or mind identified with the self is called Jiva or individual spirit.

As long as this unreal identification exists, man is bound by his deeds and is subjected to the cycle of births and deaths.

This bondage is caused by ignorance.

It is true knowledge that is liberating. And this knowledge is attained by worshipping god and seeing him everywhere.

Living in solitude and meditating on god leads the entity towards self realization and liberation.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Self Realization

                                          Srimad Bhagavatam

God is all good and the supreme refuge of all.

He is the dearest of all.

He is within us all and when we know him all our fear vanishes.

He who knows this knows the truth and he becomes the teacher of truth because he is now one with god.

Every breath of life is also a breath of death.

With every breath that one takes he inches a step towards death.

Hence one should not waste his time seeking material pleasures, and should instead seek god.

When one is totally devoted to god, all his material desires vanish.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Self Realization

                                                Srimad Bhagavatam

True knowledge arises when one loves god unconditionally and is totally devoted to him.

One who has love for god overcomes the world.

One should hear the name of god with faith and reverence.

One should study the scriptures with sincerity and dedication so that the supreme truth may be revealed to him/her.

Those who drink the nectar of the word of god are free from selfish pride, fear, delusion and misery.

Those who meditate on god as the self within become free from the bondage of karma.

Any work that pleases the lord is supreme.

Any knowledge that unites us with god is supreme.


Self Realization

                                            Srimad Bhagavatam

The greatest annihilator of all is time whose weapons are disease and death.

When the living entity begins to identify with the material body, the entity gets entangled in the law of Karma.

This karma is according to the deeds of the entity.

If the deeds are in the mode of goodness (Sattvika) the entity is born in the celestial spheres.

If the deeds of the entity are passionate (Rajasika) the entity is born in the struggling world.

But if the deeds are in the ignorance mode (Tamasika) the entity is born completely deluded.

Thus the entities are born as beasts, birds, men, women, angels and gods.

Their journey is either upwards or downwards according to their deeds.

The entity enjoys or suffers according to its Karma.

Only when the entity realizes its true identity as the divine self does it get liberated from the clutches of Karma.

And it is then that the entity enjoys true bliss.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Self Realization

                                               Srimad Bhagavatam

One should always follow the path of goodness and not of pleasure.

The divine self gets deluded when it begins to identify with the city of nine gates that is the body.

The true friend of the entity is Brahman.

The nine gates are two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth and the two excretory organs.

Intellect is like a wife with whose company the divine self enjoys this world.

While thus enjoying the material world the living entity forgets is true identity as the divine self and falls in to the pit of delusion.

Man is divine, blissful and ever free but due to delusion he super imposes the non self on the self.

Then being attached to the false ego he becomes attached to the world.

Once he is attached to the world his cycle of karma begins.

And as are his deeds so is his birth.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

The greatest enemies of divinity and self realization are lustful thoughts and desire for material things.

These thoughts make man dull and ignorant.

Man should always seek the god of love who dwells in the hearts of all.

Just like a rope when seen in darkness is misunderstood as a snake, similarly due to the darkness of ignorance, man visualizes the self as a universe.

But with the light of knowledge this universe vanishes and what remains is all bliss, all knowledge and all existence that is Sachchidananada.

 Those who worship the lotus feet of god become free from the bondage of karma.

One should worship God and use this devotion as a boat to cross this dangerous ocean of Maya.

Once the devotee concentrates on god, his detachment towards this material world increases.

His heart becomes pure and he is freed from Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion and False ego.

Finally when he is firmly established in god, the entity becomes one with god.

And when the end comes, his body gets dissolved in the elements and he attains Brahman.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

When the love for god is firmly established in one’s heart he becomes a master of himself and a teacher of humanity.

His ego is consumed in the fire of knowledge.

When ego the root cause of ignorance is subdued, spiritual consciousness shines forth in all its glory.

Thinking of objects, results in the senses getting attracted to the object.

When the senses get attracted they drag the mind along with them.

When the mind gets attracted to the object, it loses all power of discrimination.

This results in delusion and loss of memory.

With the loss of memory the knowledge of self vanishes.

And the entity gets entangled in the web of karma.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Self Realization

Srimad Bhagavatam

One should delight in self and remember God all the time.

In this process he/she should detach himself/herself from the material world.

This unconditional love for god must be gradually developed through the following steps:

By faith and reverence.

By inquiry into the truth.

By devotion to spiritual practices.

By serving and being in touch with great souls who have realized the self.

By taking delight in the word of God.

By shunning the company of the worldly.

By loving solitude.

By not injuring any creature.

By truthfulness.

 By studying the scriptures.

By controlling the senses.

 By overcoming passions.

 By not speaking against other religions.

  By patiently bearing the opposites of life like success and failure, happiness     
  and distress etc.

       By singing the praises of the lord.

   By living life on these principles one will develop unconditional love for God.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Selof Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

One should not be perturbed by the dual qualities of happiness and misery.

One should look at everything and everyone as a creation of God.

One should do his duty without any attachment for the results.

God reveals himself only to those who surrender themselves to him, pray to be his slave and see him in all beings and all beings in him.

The greatest boon one can ask for is the desire for God.

All impurities are washed away from those who always remember God.

One should be attached to and in love with God. All other things are immaterial.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Self Realization

                                            Srimad Bhagavatam

The wise man neither hates nor injures anyone.

He sees the divine self in all.

The wise man knows that anyone who is attached to his body, suffers for bondage of Karma.

The Atman which is separate from the body, is self luminous, all pervading, without attributes ie. Nirguna, free and pure.

Anyone who knows this atman as the witness to all becomes free of this dual life.

Such person alone is united to God.

Anyone who meditates on god, thinks about him all the time and worships him, finds eternal joy.

The atman is ever free and it rules the body.

The wise man is deluded by neither happiness nor misery.

God is attainable by those who see him everywhere and in all.

One should pray that he should fall in love with god and that he/she should think about god all the time.

Even the desire to serve god cleans the person of all impurities collected over millions of births.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Self Realization

                                             Srimad Bhagavatam

Mother earth provides the following things to its children provided they work towards achieving it:

To mankind she provides food, clothing, shelter.

To sages she provides food for the spirits- ie.  the four Vedas.

To Devas she provides immortality, mental vigor, power of senses and physical strength.

To Rakshas she provides intoxicating drinks.

The Gandharvas get beauty and sweetness from her.

The Siddhas receive yogic powers.

And the Vidyadharas are bestowed with knowledge.

In this manner mother earth satisfies the needs of all.