Saturday, March 31, 2018

My Stories

Subject: My stories

I am happy to announce that the following of my stories have been
published by Partridge, Notion press, and Amazon on Kindle (ABP):


Triple Cross (Collection of 3 stories) Published by Partridge
Kinkstar(Novel)                               Published by Notion Press

Stories published by Amazon Kindle:

Kid brother                                                                                      
Janam janam ke phere                                                        
Paanye Lagoon Thakur                                                      
New Moon                                                                                      
False ego                                                                              
Big shot                                                                                 
Ramani Seth                                                                                   
The Priest                                                                                       
Cork screw                                                                                     
Iqbal Kismatwala        
Mirage (Mrigtrishna)
Touchstone- Published by Amazon KDP on 31st March 2018.

Other books published by Amazon Kindle :       

Know Yourself- Spiritualism       
The Human Calendar- Astrology
Remember  - Spiritualism
Square Peg- Autobiography
Nectar-          Spiritualism

Kindly add these to your collection.

P.S. - The cost of each story published by Amazon Kindle is only 1 dollar. The stories including the books in the beginning are marketed by Amazon.
Facebook: TSV Raghavan
Linkedin- TSV Raghavan
Twitter- TSV Raghavan

Friday, March 30, 2018

My stories

Subject: My stories

I am happy to announce that the following of my stories have been
published by Partridge, Notion press, and Amazon on Kindle (ABP):


Triple Cross (Collection of 3 stories) Published by Partridge
Kinkstar(Novel)                               Published by Notion Press

Stories published by Amazon Kindle:
Kid brother                                                                                      
Janam janam ke phere                                                        
Paanye Lagoon Thakur                                                      
New Moon                                                                                      
False ego                                                                              
Big shot                                                                                 
Ramani Seth                                                                                   
The Priest                                                                                       
Cork screw                                                                                     
Iqbal Kismatwala        
Mirage (Mrigtrishna)

Looker- Published by Amazon Kindle on 30th March 2018

Other books published by Amazon Kindle :       
Know Yourself- Spiritualism       
The Human Calendar- Astrology
Remember  - Spiritualism
Square Peg- Autobiography
Nectar-          Spiritualism

Kindly add these to your collection.

P.S. - The cost of each story published by Amazon Kindle is only 1 dollar. The stories including the books in the beginning are marketed by Amazon.

Facebook: TSV Raghavan
Linkedin- TSV Raghavan
Twitter- TSV Raghavan

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Peacefulness, nonviolence, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, religiousness etc. are in the mode of goodness.

Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage, generosity, and leadership qualities are in the mode of passion.

Farming, business, commerce, industrialization, etc. are in the mode of passion cum ignorance.

Labor and service to others are in the mode of ignorance.

Regardless of which ever mode one is, one can attain perfection, self realization and liberation if one does one’s duty for god, in full god consciousness and as god’s devotee.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

My Stories

Subject: My stories

I am happy to announce that the following of my stories have been
published by Partridge, Notion press, and Amazon on Kindle (ABP):


Triple Cross (Collection of 3 stories) Published by Partridge
Kinkstar(Novel)                               Published by Notion Press
Stories published by Amazon Kindle:
Kid brother                                                                                      
Janam janam ke phere                                                        
Paanye Lagoon Thakur                                                      
New Moon                                                                                      
False ego                                                                              
Big shot                                                                                 
Ramani Seth                                                                                   
The Priest                                                                                       
Cork screw                                                                                     
Iqbal Kismatwala        
Mirage (Mrigtrishna)

Smolder- Published by Amazon Kindle on 28th March 2018

Other books published by Amazon Kindle :       

Know Yourself- Spiritualism       
The Human Calendar- Astrology
Remember  - Spiritualism
Square Peg- Autobiography
Nectar-          Spiritualism

Kindly add these to your collection.

P.S. - The cost of each story published by Amazon Kindle is only 1 dollar. The stories including the books in the beginning are marketed by Amazon.

Facebook: TSV Raghavan
Linkedin- TSV Raghavan
Twitter- TSV Raghavan

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


The happiness which awakens one to self realization and which tastes like poison in the beginning but like nectar in the end, is the one in the mode of goodness.

The happiness which is derived by the contact of senses with their objects, and which tastes like nectar in the beginning but like poison in the end is in the mode of passion.

The happiness which is blind to self realization and which tastes like poison through and through, and which gives birth to delusion, sleep, and laziness is in the mode of ignorance.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Determination which is steadfast by yoga practice and which controls the mind, senses and life is in the mode of goodness.

Determination fixed on fruitive results, economic development and sense gratification is in the mode of passion. 

Determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness, and illusion is in the mode of ignorance.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


The worker who is in god consciousness, free from material attachments and false ego and who is indifferent to both success and failure is in a mode of goodness.

However the worker who is attached to the fruits of his/her labor, who wants to enjoy them, who is greedy, envious and impure and is moved by both happiness and distress is in the mode of passion.

And one who is engaged in some work which is against injunctions of the scriptures, who is materialistic, obstinate, and a cheater notorious for insulting others, lazy, morose, and procrastinating is in the mode of ignorance.  

Saturday, March 24, 2018


That action which is done without any attachment and is performed as a duty to god without either love or hate, by someone in the renounced order is supposed to be in the mode of goodness.

Action done with great effort to gratify one’s material desires and which is enacted with a sense of false ego is action in the mode of passion.  

Action done without considering about future bondage or consequences and which inflicts injury and is impractical is in the mode of ignorance.

Friday, March 23, 2018


The knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen everywhere is known as that in goodness mode.

The knowledge by which one feels that one different soul is entrapped in every individual body according to the past karma is that in passion mode. Here one feels that the soul or consciousness perishes when the body dies.

That which identifies with the body and gets attached to some kind of work thinking that it is the all in all, is knowledge in the ignorance mode. Here the native becomes totally ignorant of the truth that one gets a body according to one’s past Karma, and wrongly believes that if one is a sweeper in this birth, one will be so in future births too.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


The knowledge, the action and the performer depend on a permutation and combination of Goodness, Passion and ignorance. As for example:

Achrya Drona was a noble Brahmin, who took to martial arts. Now a Brahmin is supposed to be from the goodness mode and martial art is passionate. Drona became such an expert in this art that he became the most qualified teacher of martial arts. So far so good but Dronachrya was a man from goodness mode who knew nothing about the passion mode. Like a blind man leading the way he taught these arts to his own son Ashwatthama who like a nincompoop discharged the Brahmastra on the unsuspecting Pandavas to the chagrin of Veda Vyasa. Only because of lord Krshna, Uttara’s baby could be saved in the womb by this deadly weapon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors that motivate action. The senses, the work and the doer of the work, are the threefold basis of action.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


To give up the results of activities is called renunciation. One who is renounced is called Sanyasi. Acts of charity, penance and sacrifice purify the soul and they should be performed without expectation of results. Prescribed duties should never be renounced. This type of renunciation does not lead to elevation on the spiritual platform. In other words the fruits of action and not the action itself should be renounced.

Monday, March 19, 2018


The syllables OM TAT SAT are meant to address the supreme and are uttered by 

devotees while making various sacrifices. The absolute truth is the main 

objective of all sacrifices.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Charity done with an expectation for some material result or in a grudging mood is in the passion mode.

Charity done without any sanction by scriptures, at an improper place and to unworthy persons is in the mode of ignorance.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Charity according to prescribed rules and regulations, to the deserving people during auspicious occasions at the right time and place are in the mode of goodness. These are done without expectation of any return.

Friday, March 16, 2018


Those penances, austerities etc. meant to gain respect, honor and reverence for oneself are in the mode of passion.

Those done to physically and mentally torture one self or others is in the mode of ignorance.


Cleanliness, simplicity, celibacy, nonviolence, etc. are austerities of the body. Austerity of speech and truthfulness, serenity, gravity, self control and purity of thought are austerity of the mind. All these things are meant to please the lord.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Sacrifices as prescribed by the scriptures are in the mode of goodness. Sacrifices done to satisfy one’s false ego, for material benefits and to be transferred to heavenly kingdom is in the mode of passion. Sacrifices done without adhering to any rules and regulations prescribed in the scriptures is in the mode of ignorance.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Even food taken in the mode of goodness purifies the eater’s mind, is healthy, juicy and fresh. Food in the mode of passion is very spicy, pungent and dry. Food that is putrid, old, and unclean is in the mode of ignorance.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Devotees in the form of goodness worship demigods. Men in the mode of passion worship demons. And those in the form of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.
Those who undergo severe austerities and penances not recommended by scriptures are demons.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


The three gates leading to hell are anger, lust and greed. A sane and divine person should give up these. One should act according to regulation mentioned in the scriptures. Slowly the living entity will get elevated from mode ignorance to passion and then to goodness. Thus gradually the person will attain the supreme destination.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Attaining repeated birth among the demonic species, the demons sink down to the lowest form of existence. This way they become asuras (demons) and are ultimately killed by god. This is one form of deliverance.

Friday, March 9, 2018


The demonic do organize charity and sacrifice without following rules and regulations but not because they are devoted to god but to feed their own false ego. There is a saying in Greek ‘ Beware the person who prays in public.’ By making a show of religiousness, one can fool the gullible public but not god or his genuine devotees.

Bewildered they go against god who they begin to fear and hate. Such people are the lowest among humans, cast by god himself into the ocean of material existence into various demonic species that includes that of beasts.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Acharya Dron thought that because he himself and his own son Ashwathama were such great warriors and were supported by the Kurus, he was invincible. We all know what happened in the end.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Dhrishtarashtra thought that as he himself was the king of the greatest kingdom Hastinapur, flanked by stalwarts like Bhishma Pitamah, Dronacharya, brother-in-law Shakuni and his own one hundred sons, he could never be defeated in any battle. How wrong was he proved in the end?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Bhishma Pitamah despite his extraordinary prowess and intelligence believed that he has to die only after the kingdom of Hastinapur (which was a fragment of the inferior material energy) is protected from enemies. Little did he know that he himself had no control over time the greatest leveler.

Monday, March 5, 2018


The demonic believe that satisfying one’s senses is the be all and end all of this life. This results in irrepressible desires, lust, fear, anger, illusion and false ego. All these lead one to hell.
The demonic are deluded by ignorance. They are happy tied to this impermanent material world.

Sunday, March 4, 2018


The world is full of living entities who are either divine or demonic. The demonic people are too ignorant to know what is to be done and what is not to be done. They are bound by the rope of incredible lust. The demonic natured people indulge in activities that are destructive to all including themselves and the world. They seek the refuge of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige.

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Arrogance, pride, anger, conceit, harshness, ignorance, jealousy, violence, envy, hatred, lust for material things, contempt for others, fear of goodness, godly people and devotion, vindictiveness, sadism, cruelty, attraction for evil deeds and evil people, an impure mind and body, intoxication, lack of pity for others, callousness, etc. are demonic qualities.
Divine qualities lead to liberation and demonic qualities lead to bondage.

Friday, March 2, 2018


Fearlessness, self purification, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self control, performance of sacrifice according to scriptures, study of Vedas, austerity, simplicity, nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger, renunciation, tranquility, aversion to fault finding, compassion, freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty, steady determination, vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy, freedom from lust for everything including honor these transcendental qualities are divine.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


That clearly shows that one has begun thinking out of this material body. And the best method to do so is to get one’s mind, intelligence and soul attached to god permanently.
As long as one is bound by the three modes of material nature, one cannot even dream of liberation. Only one who has completely surrendered to god can think of getting liberated from repeated births and deaths. The living entities in the material world are prone to making mistakes but those in the spiritual world do not commit even errors.