Astavakra Gita systematically deals with the mystical experiences of an
individual in his flight towards transcendental peace and b.liss. The subtle
philosophical truths are expounded in the form of a lucid dialogue between the Raja
Rishi or King Seer Janaka as the disciple and Astavakra as the teacher. The
thoughts of this Gita are compatible with the “Dialoues of Pluto” and “The
Bhagavad Gita” as all of them truthfully record the universal insight and the spiritual
experiences which a seeker gathers during moments of intense meditation.
in the Holy Gita here too the teacher constantly directs the entire attention
of the student towards the spiritual reality behind life and its expressions.
an unrelenting non dualist rooted in the vivid experience of the transcendental
spiritual oneness, Saint Astavakra completely rejects the worlds of objects,
emotions and thoughts perceived through the delusory body, mind and intellect.
As such he totally rejects the principle of Maya.
to Astavakra there is no ego(Jiva), no creator(Isvara) no delusion (Maya) and
no universe(Jagat).
is only one infinite consciousness – The Self.
to Astavakra there is only one goal to be aspired for and reached, and that is
self knowledge through direct mystical intuition- Vijnana.
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