Tuesday, August 27, 2019


The third case is intelligence that is the causal body. 

Intelligence means logic, that makes the person wonder whether such an extent of physical strain is indeed necessary.

Sohom Swami aka Tiger Swami, began his adult hood as a body builder but later used just his thought process to build a stupendously healthy & strong body. 

Similarly some in the intelligence level take to yoga & meditation. 

The legendary Bruce Lee though not a body builder became a martial artist just by focusing his intelligence on this subject.
Here material food is not given much importance. 

Trailanga Swami just drank gallons of clabbered milk occasionally but weighed 300 pounds.

However such intelligent people soon get skeptical of thinking on the transient body level.
Tiger Swami went to the extent of writing a book called ‘’COMMON SENSE’’ which gave more importance to mental rather than physical strength.

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