Monday, August 28, 2017


The past is over and the future is uncertain. The only thing that we have is the present to be molded as per our desires. We should make the best use of this circumstance to dovetail our thoughts towards God.

According to Paramahansa Yogananda, the soul is covered by three layers. The first is the causal body which is intelligence. The second is the subtle body which envelops both the soul and the causal body. This consists of the senses and the mind. The third which envelops the soul, the causal body and the subtle body with its thick cocoon is the gross body which actually we all identify with. We say ‘’I am-----person.’’ Actually our soul has got into this material body this time. It has had and will have trillions of births before it reaches god for good.

This gross and material body which we discard at the time of our death is made up of five elements- The ether, the air, the fire, the water and the earth.

Swami Sriyuktsehwar acquired a subtle body after death and became a missionary to help those subtle bodied entities who wanted to discard even that body and acquire the causal body.


The substratum of all the bodies is the self. It is the witness to all that we experience and do. Just like a dark room is suddenly illuminated by a bulb of light similarly the dark matter which we call as our body is illuminated just by the presence of the self. Self is also called consciousness. Without it we are dead and nothing.

The solid mass of meat, fat and nerves in our skull which we call as brain is as gross as the whole body. However the subtle body of mind and senses and the causal body of intelligence regulate and control it and it in turn controls the rest of the body.

Just like the pearl is lying hidden in an oyster, diamond in a coal mine, gold jewelry in an iron box similarly the self lies hidden within various layers of the body.

Just like pottery is nothing but mud, sugar is nothing but sugarcane juice, gold jewelry is nothing but gold, and a piece of cloth is nothing but thread similarly the whole universe that we experience in various forms is nothing but the self.

The whole universe emanates from the self alone. Hence mundane material things should not attract any one.

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