Friday, May 20, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that as long as desire which is the root of the state of non-discrimination exists, there will always be the state of acceptance and aversion which are the branch and sprout of the tree of Samsara.

Remember that activity begets attachment and abstention from it generates aversion. the wise man is free from the pairs of opposits like a child, and is indeed well established in the self.

Remember that one who is attached to the world, wants to renounce it in order to avoid miseries. but one who is without any attachment is free from sorrow and does not feel miserable even in this world.

Remember that one who has an ego sense even towards liberation and he who considers even his body as his own, is neither a jnani nor a yogi. He is just a sufferer of miseries.

Remember that even if Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh are your instructors, yet unless you forget all, you can not abide in the self.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that the scriptures, the vedas, the holy texts are all just means to realize the self. they are not the end. So to get firmly establshed in the self, you should forget all these texts.

Remember that whether you enjoy this world, undertake work, or practice meditation, your mind will still yearn for your own true nature which is beyond all objects and in which all the desires are extinguished.

Remember that despite exerting yourself endlessly, you do not attain true happiness. With this instruction alone the blessed one attains liberation.

Remember that when the mind is free from the sense of doership and enjoyership, it becomes indifferent to righteousness, wealth, desire and liberation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that you are pure intelligence. Do not disturb your mind by affirming or negating things. Silencing them, abide happily in your own self which is an embodiment of bliss absolute.

Remember that you should give up contemplation completely and hold nothing in your mind.You are indeed the self ever free. Why do you need to meditate?

Remember that the self being absolute and infinite, delusion is not possible in it. hence Sadhna to realize teh changless mass of consciousness is indeed delusion itself.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that you should totally give up all such distinctions as " I am he" and "I am not he". Consider all as the self and be desireless and happy.

Remember that it is through your ignorance that you visualize this universe to be existing. In reality you are the one. Other than you there is no Individual self.

Remember that one who understands this universe as an illusion becomes desireless and of pure intelligence. Thus he finds serenity as if nothing exists.

Remember that in the ocean of existence the self only was is and and will be. There is neither bondage nor liberation for you.Live a life of fulfillment and roam around happily.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that whether this this body lasts till the end of the Kalpa(cycle), or it whithers away in a secomd, it neither increases nor decreases any thing in you who are the self.

Remember that in you who are the infinite consciousness, universes rise and vanish like waves in a ocean. And they make no difference to you.

Remember that you are the pure intelligence. And this universe is not different from you. therefore there is nothing to accept or reject.

Remember that for you who are one immutable serene stainless pure consiousness, there is no birth, no activity and no sense of ego.

Remember that only you manifest whatever you perceive just like ornaments made of gold are nothing but the gold itself.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that you should have absolute faith in the fact that you are knowledge itself.You are the lord, you are the self.You are beyond nature.

Remember that the man who has complete faith,who is devoted to it, and who has subdued the senses, obtains knowldege. And when he has acquired this knowldege, he attains supreme peace.

Remember that you deserve to accept with an "Om" all that you have been inquiring about for so long. Now that you know abvout your true self stop enquiring further.

Remember that the body composed of all constituents of nature comes, stays and goes away. The self neither comes nor goes. Then why do you mourn over it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that the knowledge of truth makes an eloquent, wise and active person, mute, inert and passive. That is why this truth is shunned by those who wish to enjoy the world.

Remember that neither are you the body nor is the body yours. You are neither the doer nor the enjoyer. You are the eternal consciousness, the indifferent witness to all. So go about happily.

Remember that passions and aversions are the qualities of the mind. But you are pure intelligence. You are free from all fluctuations and are changeless. So go about happily.

Remember that you are pure intelligence. In you the universes appear like waves in the ocean. So be free from the fever of the mind. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that the man who thinks about the sense objects only by chance, and who is awake even when physically asleep, extinguishes all recollections of this material world, from his mind.

Remember that once the desires have melted away, all riches, all friends, all forms of sense objects and even all scriptures and knowledge itself  have no existence.

Remember that when you realize the supreme self who is the witness to all, who is the lord and purusha, you become indifferent to both bondage and liberation, and have no desire for emancipation.

Remember that a self realized man can be understood only by some one like him.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that the tranquility which is born of the awareness that there is nothing else but the self is rare even for renunciants. Hence one should detach oneself from everything and abide in the self.

Remember that one should renounce every goal and live in true happiness.

Remember that as nothing is ever done by the self, so one should do whatever comes to one unasked and live in true happiness.

Remember that the spiritual seekers insist upon  action and inaction. One should detach oneself from all this association and dis-association and live in true happiness.

Remember that you neither lose anything by sleeping nor gain anything by striving. So give up all these thoughts of loss and delight and live in true happiness.

Remember that you should renounce both good and evil and live in true happiness.   

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that he who has come to realize that he is the witnessing consciousness, the supreme self, blissful and self efflugent entrirely separate from the body and the sense organs, he goes beyond all castes and creeds living in the super state.

Remember that absentism from action is as much the outcome of ignorance as the undertaking of action. Knowing this truth fully well one should abide in the self.

Remember that thinking about the unthinkable one, one resorts to a form of one's own thoughts. therefore giving up that thought one should abide in one's self.

Remember that blessed is the man who has accomplished this. Blessed is he who thus fulfills himself by this nature divine.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that one should first shy away from physical action, then of speech, and then of thought and then ultimately one should abide in one's self.

Remember that one should shy away from all types of sense objects and thus abide in one's self.

Remember that an effort has to be made for Samadhi only when there is a distraction of the mind due to one's own super-impositions. Seeing this to be the rule , one should abide in the self.

Remember that when you find nothing as acceptable and nothing as rejectable, when you find that there is nothing to feel happy or sad about you will abide in the self

Remember that a particular stage of life, or the negation of the same, control of the mind, meditation, all these are causes of distraction in one self, so avoid all this and abide in the self.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that neither you are the body nor is the body yours. You are pure intelligence. If you realize this you will be free from "what you have done" and "what you have not done", and you will attain the state of aloneness.

Remember that the self is in every thing that god has created, right from the creator down to a tuft of grass. Once you have realized this with certitude, you will become free from all oscillations. You will become pure and serene and will withdraw from what you have attained and what you have not attained.

Remember that once you have realized that this manifold and marvellous universe is unreal you will become desireless and with pure intelligence you will at last find true peace.