Remember that you are taintless, serene pure consciousness. Till now you were bewildered by delusion.
Remember that it is you who illumine your body and the whole universe. In other words the whole universe is yours and nothing is yours.
Remember that when you abondon your body and the universe, you will at last perceive the supreme self, through the dexterity of some teacher.
Remember that just like the waves, the foam and the bubbles that spring forth from a sea are not different from the sea, similarly the universe that springs forth from the self is not different from the self.
Remember that just like the cloth when analysed becomes nothing but thread, similarly the universe when analysed is nothing but the self.
Remember that just like the sugar made from sugarcane juice is entirely pervaded by the juice, similarly the universe is entirely pervaded by the self.
Remember that it is you who illumine your body and the whole universe. In other words the whole universe is yours and nothing is yours.
Remember that when you abondon your body and the universe, you will at last perceive the supreme self, through the dexterity of some teacher.
Remember that just like the waves, the foam and the bubbles that spring forth from a sea are not different from the sea, similarly the universe that springs forth from the self is not different from the self.
Remember that just like the cloth when analysed becomes nothing but thread, similarly the universe when analysed is nothing but the self.
Remember that just like the sugar made from sugarcane juice is entirely pervaded by the juice, similarly the universe is entirely pervaded by the self.
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