Remember that there is no harm in possessing things, but the problem arises when things begin to possess us.
Similarly if we control our body equipments and use them accordingly there is no harm. But if the body equipments begin to control us then we get into trouble.
Remember that you do not belong to any caste race or creed. Similarly you do not belong to any ashrama. You are forever the non dual ever efflugent self. You are not perceivable by the senses. You are unattached, formless and the sole witness of all that you are and all that happens within you and outside you.
Remember that virtue and vice, happiness and distress are all attributes of the mind and not of the self.
Remember that the ego in us thinks that we are the doers and the enjoyers. The self is neither the doer nor the enjoyer. And as you are the self so be ever happy and blissful.
Remember that the consciousness in you is the light that helps the equipments of the body function. This consciousness is the sole perceiver, the sole seer, and the sole witness of all that happens around the world.
Remember that the self is the only subject and that everything else belongs to the world of objects.
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