Sunday, August 16, 2020



Swami Vivekananda quotes

The 5 states of mind are:

a.   Mudha- A dull, indolent person.


b.   Kshipta- A distracted & restless person.


c.   Vikshipta- A usually scatter brained but occasionally preoccupied person.


d.   Ekagra- A focused & concentrated person.


e.   Niruddha- A person who has restrained & mastered his mind.


One should aim to become the last two that is a focused,

Concentrated, restrained person who has mastered his mind.

My sketch


Saturday, August 15, 2020


Swami Vivekananda quotes


Your attention maintains the fluctuations of your thoughts.


The power of attention decides the focus & concentration of mind.


The undercurrents of attention are awareness & will.


Hence one should take of oneself.


There is no point in learning concentration if you cannot focus on worthy goals. 


Friday, August 14, 2020


Swami Vivekananda quotes


The way to generate a concentrated mind is through the power of attention.


Attention is more your own property than fluctuations & thoughts.


Attention is a steady beam of light of awareness generated by your free will.


What you pay attention to becomes your steady consciousness.


My sketch


Thursday, August 13, 2020


Swami Vivekananda quotes


Mental fluctuation & thought:


Unstable fluctuations & dissimilar thoughts are formed in an average, ordinary mind.


Stable fluctuations but dissimilar thoughts are formed in a focused mind.


Stable fluctuations & similar thoughts are formed in a concentrated mind.


Non fluctuating rising & falling at the same train of thoughts form a meditative mind.



My sketch


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

My sketch




Swami Vivekananda quotes


Sight, hearing, taste, touch & smell plus your activities & memory are inlets to the mind.


Contents of the mind:


Your thoughts, emotions, impulses, drives & attitudes depend on your intake through five senses viz sight, taste, touch, smell & hearing.


These make the main content to your thoughts.


Conscious control of the senses is the 1st step.


Your activities create impressions which may bypass your conscious mind.


What you think also depends on your previous experiences stored as impressions (samskaras) in the subconscious which in turn sprout on the conscious mind as memories (smriti).


Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Swami Vivekananda quotes


What we think we become.


Instinct under control becomes reason.


Reason under control becomes inspiration.


Inspiration under control becomes realization.


Control is central to development.


My sketch


Wednesday, April 8, 2020



Remember the lord has two types of energies- the spirit and the 

matter. The spirit is in the form of a soul which when enveloped 

by the various layers of body makes the living entity.

Monday, April 6, 2020



However these chakras in the gross body are meant to be 

explored through meditation. Meditation is the science of going 

within in search of god.

It is humbly suggested that one should straightway start by 

seeing through the third eye in the brain. The other chakras in 

the body will automatically follow suit. This third eye does not 

look out into the material world but within the living entity. It 

has been told by spiritualists for time immemorial that a 

student aiming at self realization should concentrate on the 

third eye between the two eyes right from the beginning. That 

is the ultimate merging point for all chakras.

Saturday, April 4, 2020



The headquarters of the whole body, the one that transmits 

instructions to the whole body, the brain is actually only a 

gross instrument a mass of flesh and nerves made up of the 

fifth element earth, but it is under the direct control of the 

senses which are a part of the subtle body.

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Friday, April 3, 2020



This gross body is generally made of five elements that is the 

ether, the air, the fire, the water and the earth. Of these five the 

last three are visible, the last four are within the grasp of the 

medical science but the fifth that is the first one ether is still 

out of range.

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Thursday, April 2, 2020



Senses can be broadly classified into five forms- taste, touch, 

smell, sight and hearing. Together they transform the input 

from the mind into feelings and finally give vent to the same 

through the gross body.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

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The mind has no other go but to chew on this morsel of 

thoughts & ideas fed to it by the causal intelligence and try to 

masticate on it at leisure. After putting in its ‘piece’ into this 

ultimate dough it transfers the ultimate mixture to senses 

which form the lower part of the astral world.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020



Now the student may very well visualize the comedy of errors taking shape. In the first stage the soul acted independently without consulting the super soul. 

This itself was flawed. However the soul went a step further.

It spewed its ‘pearls of wisdom’ on the unsuspecting causal body that is intelligence. It in turn transformed them into half baked ideas and hurled them on the poor mind.

Monday, March 30, 2020



The layer enveloping both the soul and intelligence is called subtle or astral body. This has two parts, one above and the other below. The above side is called mind and the below one as senses.

The main work or duty of this mind is to chew and masticate on the ideas germinating out of the intelligence that is the causal body.

Sunday, March 29, 2020



Karma begins when the soul starts acting independently on its 

own. It is then that the whole confusion begins. The soul gives 

intelligence instructions as per its own whims and fantasies. 

The intelligence in turn uses its own discretion to understand 

this instruction.

Saturday, March 28, 2020



Unfortunately the crux of the whole issue is that on an average 

every soul wants to act independently and the collective 

permutation and combination of all such independently thinking 

and acting souls is the cause of all commotion in this material world.

Friday, March 27, 2020




The three layers that cover the soul as a body consist of the following identities:

The first layer immediately next to the soul is called causal body. It is made up of pure intelligence and is not visible to common eye. 

The main objective both the soul and the intelligence have is to surrender themselves unconditionally to the super soul ie. the localized form  of god called Paramatma and act as per its instructions.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

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The degree of problems in each family varies with its Karma.    

The glue that joins the soul with the body is the EGO. This is an 

extremely powerful and binding layer which acts as a buffer 

between various layers.

When one identifies with the body consisting of 

Causal/Astral/Gross bodies it is called false ego. When the 

same guy starts realizing that he/she is just a soul and not the 

body he/she reaches the level of ego. But when he/she realizes 

that he/she is only a part and parcel of the super soul he/she 

gets what is called the super ego.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020



A person chooses his or her body as per his her past karma. 

But here he/she also chooses his/her family, parents, siblings, 

surroundings, time and place of birth and childhood etc.

This is because he/she besides his/her own, he/she has to work 

out the karma of the family too.

If one studies the past of famous families or persons, he/she 

will observe that at the darkest hour before dawn for that 

family, there indeed was one or more family members who 

consistently won the title of the black sheep of that family 

hands down.

In reality had these guys not plunged into the family’s karma 

sewer to clean it the future generation would not have come 

out smelling of roses.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



It has been prophesized by renounced, knowledgeable and wise 

men over the ages that god takes some people into deeper 

waters not to drown them but to clean them.

One would never fail to be appalled at the turbulences and 

turmoil that some otherwise average nice people. The society 

collectively shrugs its shoulders and declares that this is as 

per the karma of that person.

Monday, March 23, 2020



Self realized holy sages have for time immemorial insisted that 

we all living entities are individual souls, with one common 

super soul as witness to our activities and experiences.

And further the fact remains that we have come to this material 

world wrapped in a body broadly made up of three layers. 

These layers are in turn based on our past karma and 


Sunday, March 22, 2020



According to the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) our whole identity comprises of the following:

The gross body

The vital body (the one giving life)

The mental body (Mind/senses/emotions etc.)

The causal body (Intelligence)

The super causal body

The soul

Saturday, March 21, 2020



In the Mahabharatha even the decidedly negative Dritarashtra and Shakuni had their own reasons for being so evil.

All this plus the fact that the supreme self Lord Krishna chose to be with the noble Pandavas shows that God is forever with 

the good, and that the bad howsoever powerful it may look to the common eye, ultimately loses in the perpetual war between good and bad.


Friday, March 20, 2020



In the Mahabharata Queen Gandhari was very well aware of the fact that her husband Dhritarashtra, brother Shakuni, and sons Duryodhana and Dussasana were very bad but yet her innate affection for all prevented her from putting her foot down.

Queen Kunti a widow had no other go but to be under the protection of Hastinapur.   

Despite his brilliance, knowledge and wisdom Vidura was hapless because of his birth as a maid’s son. Thus despite his repeated warnings, Dritarashtra the blind king lent him a deaf ear.

Thursday, March 19, 2020



In Mahabharata Madari the uncle of the Pandavas had actually 

come to fight on the side of Pandavas against the Kurus.

However he was naïve enough to be cheated by the cunning 

Duryodhana and forcibly snatched into his own side.

Karna was unfortunate right from his birth. This bad luck 

combined with the resultant insults forced Karna into the 

waiting arms of the muscular but wily Duryodhana.

This resulted in his fighting against his own brothers.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020



In the epic Mahabharata Acharya Krip could have been positive but because of his relation with Acharya Dron he had to toe a line drawn by Acharya Dron albeit reluctantly.

Aswathama was rather unfortunate. He was born to a greedy father who had chosen a wrong path. This resulted in his befriending Duryodhana and committing mistakes which his otherwise noble conscience would never have allowed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020



In Mahabharata Bhishma despite his excellent qualities was 

victimized by his illusory love for his material kingdom and 

royal lineage. He chose to forget that both are temporary in the 

broader perspective.

Acharya Dron despite his noble lineage was victimized by 

material greed which blinded his otherwise intelligent and 

noble bearing. This was the sole cause for his joining 

Duryodhana in the war against Pandavas.

Monday, March 16, 2020



The pious and noble Pandavas had to go through untold miseries all their life before they ultimately succeeded in the war.

Similarly the beautiful but spicy Draupadi had to pay a price several times for her pretty looks, sensual nature and caustic tongue.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

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As mentioned somewhere above Mahabharatha is a constant 
strife between the positive and negative energies in our own 

causal body (intelligence)/astral body (mind and senses)/gross 

body (made up of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth )which is 

called Dharmakshetra or holy battlefield because Lord resides 

in it as super soul.

Mahabharata proves to the common man that there is many a 

slip between the cup and the lip that is the road from negative 

to positive is slippery and fraught with danger.