Friday, November 30, 2018


‘’Lord Narada is well known as a great devotee of the supreme lord in Hindu 

mythology. He chants ‘Narayana, Narayana’ the name of god all the time.

Naturally Narada got puffed up with false ego and self importance. Vain, he went 

to god and tried to put words into god’s mouth ‘’God please tell me and the 

worldas to who is your greatest devotee.’’ All the time Narada was sure that god 

will name him so.

God being god, could see through Narada’s machinations. He smiled at Narada’s 


‘’Okay Narada I will show you.’’ God said. Narada was puzzled.’ Why was God 

delaying to answer such a simple question?...’ Narada thought ‘after all he had 

just to point his fingers at him ‘Narada.’ God could read Narada’s mind. He 

smiled again. God pointed his fingers down at a spot on earth again. ‘’Look there

he is...’’ God said sweetly ‘’he is my best devotee.’’

Slighted at such a remark Narada nevertheless looked down upon the spot. He 

saw a poor farmer toiling under the glaring sun. The man looked wiry, shabby, 

and poor.

Narada got extremely upset. He glared at god disapprovingly.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


There are as many ways to reach god as there are his seekers.

 There is no thumb rule.

Focus on self realization alone while seeking it. Don’t get distracted.

Progress from gross to subtle gradually. Inner sincere devotion to god is far better than a physical show of the same. 

You can dupe the world but not god. Beware of one who prays in public.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


The gross body can be further divided into two, one visible and one invisible. 

The invisible is made up of brain, intestines, nerves, liver, heart, bones, bone marrow etc. 

This is called the vital body. The visible one also known as physical body is what is seen by us all. 

The face, the limbs, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin etc. belong to this category.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


It is very difficult to achieve success but it is still more difficult to digest it. 

A miniscule amount of success is likely to make one swollen headed. 

To avoid this megalomaniac attitude one should always remember that he/she is merely a humble servant of god.            

Monday, November 26, 2018


Those who crave for liberation and who meditate, see within their gross body an astral body/ universe which is quite pleasant and heartening.  

The identification with our gross body, along with a scant ignorance of the soul and super soul makes every one of us try to play god.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


There are divine and demonic qualities in us all. We happen to be a perfect mixture of both. Some have the divine side at the front and the others have the demonic side. Divine side is full of positive qualities, the one that make everyone happy. The demonic qualities are negative and create bitterness in the minds of others.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Similarly one in a million is perfect. 

We should have the careful sense to not only spot such a person but also cultivate a bonhomie with him/her. 

Remember there are numerous forces in the material world powerful enough to create a permanent rift between you two. 

Once they succeed this nice person will leave you but the rest million minus one will surround you like parasites and vermin. 

To ensure that this one in a million perfect guy never ever leaves you, the only solution is for you yourself to become that perfect human being. 

After all you can never leave yourself.

Friday, November 23, 2018


You are judged by the company you keep. 

You are judged by your circle of friends and acquaintances. If you are in the company of sages and monks you will be considered spiritually inclined. 

If you are with intellectuals, doctors engineers etc. you will be judged accordingly. And if you are in the company of ignorant bums, goons, robbers etc. you will be dubbed a never do well.

The best company is the self. A person who spends his/her time in meditating on the soul gradually gets connected to the super soul. This is the ultimate goal of self realization and liberation.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Just because genius has possessed you, it does not mean that the lesser fortunate people deserve any less respect or love. Genius will continue to possess you only if it finds that you are humble and that you do not take undue credit for your success.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Those transferred to the astral world begin working out their astral karma & remain in the astral world till their astral karma is completely worked out.

Once this is done those who have worked out their astral karma go to the causal world which is the subtlest and which is infinitely bigger than the astral world.

Here after they have worked out their causal karma the living entities ultimately shed their last causal body & the soul is finally revealed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Among those who have gone to Hiranyalok enjoy their stay there for a period allotted to them as per each living entity’s karma or destiny.

Once that is over at least 75% of these living entities come back to don a new gross/astral/causal body. Thus their karma for the present birth begins & gets recorded.

The rest 25% whose gross karma have already been worked out go to the astral world which is several times bigger than the gross world.

Even here they are assigned planets according to the astral karma they have to work out. Thus those still with astral karma of senses are at a lower position than those who have only their astral mind karma to work out.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Those living entities who have been subjected to unnatural deaths like suicide, accident, murder etc. remain in the ether as disembodied spirits till their normal age in that particular birth as a gross body is over. 

After that they come back to this earth in a new incarnation with a new gross, subtle & causal body. Here the karma pertaining to their astral & causal bodies of the previous birth is left totally dormant. 

Only the karma of the present birth of the present gross, astral, & causal bodies is recorded.

This goes on till the birth where the individual living entity dies a normal death & does so henceforth in all his/her births.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Karma recorded by the soul of the actions of the collective layers of causal- intelligence, astral- mind &senses & gross- ether, air, fire, water & earth substances called body have to be worked out completely till all the layers are shed and the spirit soul is revealed.

After what is called death in normal terms the living entity leaves only the gross body. After this he she either roams around in the ether as a disembodied spirit or goes to the subtle world called Hiranyalok as a normal spirit.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


It is rather a misnomer that as soon as a person dies he becomes the soul. Nothing is farther from the truth.

Every individual soul is covered in a cocoon made up of:
The first subtlest layer – Causal body- made up of pure intelligence.
The second less subtle layer upper chamber- Astral body- made up of mind.
The second less subtle layer lower chamber- Astral body- made up of senses consisting of:
Smell, Touch, Sight, Hearing & Taste.
The gross body consisting of: Nose for smell, Skin for touch, Eyes for sight, ears for hearing & Tongue for taste.

Friday, November 16, 2018


Remember no one is indispensable. 

Every soul has the right to live peacefully without harming others. 

Talent is what you possess and genius is what possesses you. 

Genius is nothing but a permutation and combination of Talent, timing, opportunity, determination, patience, perseverance, focus, hard work, luck and karma. 

Be always good to people on your way up because you are certainly going to meet them on your way down.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Lord Parasurama was a renunciant and so he could see through Karna’s blatant lie. If only Karna had said that he was a vaisya or sudra, lord Parasurama would not only have taught him but also considered him his favorite student. Lord Parasurama took offence to Karna calling himself a Brahmin(of goodness mode). There is a valid reason behind this.

Karna was a kshatriya (passion mode) brought up by a Sudra(ignorance mode). If only Karna had been honest enough to identify himself as a sudra, to hide his own Kshatriya birth lord Parasurama would have appreciated this.
Instead Karna claimed to be a Brahmin(of goodness mode) of which he knew nothing, and was promptly caught in a lie.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Lord Parasurama vowed never to teach his form of martial arts to ksatriyas(totally passionate) under the pretext that they will misuse it to torment innocent folks. 

If so then why did he teach Bhisma a kshatriya? Was it because he differentiated between good and bad kshatrias?

Lord Parasurama abstained from teaching martial arts to the Ksatriyas(totally passionate). Did that mean that he was ready to teach the brahimns, vaisyas(part passionate & part ignorant) and sudras(ignorant)? 

If it was so it explains why he cursed Karna.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

My stories.

Subject: My stories

I am happy to announce that the following of my stories have been
published by Partridge, Notion press, and Amazon on Kindle (ABP):


Triple Cross (Collection of 3 stories) Published by Partridge
Kinkstar(Novel)                               Published by Notion Press

Stories published by Amazon Kindle:

Kid brother                                                                                      
Janam janam ke phere                                                        
Paanye Lagoon Thakur                                                      
New Moon                                                                                      
False ego                                                                              
Big shot                                                                                 
Ramani Seth                                                                                   
The Priest                                                                                       
Cork screw                                                                                     
Iqbal Kismatwala        
Mirage (Mrigtrishna)
Fallen Angel

My stories are also available in paperback form as collection of stories as follows:

Four square- A collection of 4 stories.
Five fingers- A collection of 5 stories.
Pentagon- A collection of 5 stories.
4 Petals- A collection of 4 stories.
5 story army- A collection of 5 stories.
4 in 1- A collection of 4 stories.
Awesome threesome- A collection of 3 stories.
4 is company- A collection of 4 stories.

Other books published by Amazon Kindle :       

Know Yourself- Spiritualism       
The Human Calendar- Astrology
Remember  - Spiritualism
Square Peg- Autobiography
Nectar-          Spiritualism
Nirvana-         Spiritualiam  
Different stroke’s- Spiritualism
Hari Bol - Spiritualism
Implosion- Spiritualism
Manna- Spiritualism- Published by Amazon KDP on 14 TH November 2018.

Kindly add these to your collection.

The Link in Amazon for my bookshelf is:

P.S. - The cost of each story published by Amazon Kindle is only 1 dollar or 2 dollars. The stories including the books in the beginning are marketed by Amazon.


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Monday, November 12, 2018


We all know that Parasurama’s maternal uncles and maternal grandfather killed his father & seven brothers and tied up the mother out of sheer ire at her marrying a Brahmin(of goodness mode).

The poor lady called for his help 21 times and hence lord Prasurama killed all Kshatrias on earth 21 times.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Here the author begs for permission to take a detour from his chosen path and try to enlighten the reader about a particular story from the Hindu epics specially the Mahabharata.

The case of lord Parasurama is quite intriguing as well as interesting. 

Lord Parasurama who is considered to be an incarnation of god was born to a Brahmin(of goodness mode) father and a Kshatriya mother, as their eighth son. 

This makes him half from the mode of goodness and half from the mode of passion. 

However he ultimately became a Renunciant who is above the three modes of material nature.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Actually it is always welcome if a living entity from one mode of material nature strives to climb up & belong to a superior mode. 

For this the entity should reach the peak in his/her mode before leaping up higher.

Friday, November 9, 2018


It is also possible for any living entity to switch from one mode to another. 

There are instances where an ignorant person got extremely passionate and a goodness mode guy became a Renunciant.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Depending upon the past karma of the living entity, the soul takes up a body suited mainly for any of these modes of material nature viz. Sanyasi, Goodness, Passion, Ignorance & Demonic. 

The permutation and combination of all the five modes in the living entities forms the major part of the material world.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


The mode of goodness is considered to be the most pious of the three but it is still as material as the other two. 

The mode of passion is very hard working and is perpetually and actively involved in material pursuits of happiness. 

On the other hand ignorance is sanguine and lazy and naturally off the mark in its material pursuits.

Monday, November 5, 2018


However it is the three modes of material nature that control almost ninety five percent of the society. 

It depends on the initial and future karma of the living entity to choose the mode which he/she wants to exhibit to the society.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Every living entity worth his/her karma has all the qualities of the three modes of material nature along with the base instincts of the demonic and the sagely instincts of a Renunciant.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


The material world is broadly divided into three modes of material nature. 

These are namely GOODNESS, PASSION, and IGNORANCE. 

Anyone who tries to go beyond goodness is somewhere between the matter and spirit. This is called renunciation. This is actually in the path of liberation.

However there are some living entities which are below ignorance. This stage is demonic and beastly.

Friday, November 2, 2018


The spirit is the superior and matter is the inferior energy of the lord. 

However the most interesting comedy is that whereas the causal/astral/gross body is fully material, yet when its position (as the layers around the spirit soul) is changed the living entity seriously starts believing that this body has also turned spiritual and then begins the living entity’s quest to lord it over material nature. 

This ends in its getting entangled into the unending quagmire of karma.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


It is humbly suggested that one should straightway start by seeing through the third eye in the brain. The other chakras in the body will automatically follow suit. 

This third eye does not look out into the material world but within the living entity. It has been told by spiritualists for time immemorial that a student aiming at self realization should concentrate on the third eye between the two eyes right from the beginning. 

That is the ultimate merging point for all chakras.