Thursday, November 30, 2017


The relationship between Karna, Arjuna and lord Krshna reminds one of a 

strange story. A loving mother has two small children. She is equally fond of both.

One day she takes the kids to the market. 

Out of love for her tots she tells them to hold each of her hand lest they get lost. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The fourth Nakula was known for his beauty, energy and speed. He was such good a horseman that, he could ride amidst torrential rains, without getting wet.

Sahadeva the youngest was the most intelligent and knowledgeable among the Pandavas. 

He was a brilliant astrologer and veterinary surgeon.
Both Nakula and Sahadeva were expert swordsmen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Both Arjuna and Karna were master marksmen with a bow 

and arrow. Whereas Arjuna was the favorite student of 

Dronacharya, Karna had lord Parasurama as his teacher. 

Thus he, Bhishma and Dronacharya were almost brothers.

Arjuna is the Soul and lord Krshna is the Super Soul in all of 

us .

Monday, November 27, 2017


The third son was Arjuna. He and Karna were sworn enemies. While Karna knew his own identity as the eldest among Kunti’s sons, the rest including Arjuna were totally unaware of this.

In fact Karna promised to Kunti that she was and will ever be a mother of five sons. While the four would be Yudhishtir, Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva the fifth could be either himself or Arjuna depending on who killed whom during the battle.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


The second was the huge Bhima with legendary physical prowess. Actually his was not muscular but spiritual strength which had resulted in his getting so gigantic in size.

Bhima the hero of all mainly children was totally guileless. He was an expert in wielding the mace. Both Bhima and Duryodhana learnt the art of fighting with the mace from lord Balarama the elder brother of lord Krshna. Actually Duryodhana was lord Balarama’s favorite student.

Saturday, November 18, 2017


Yudhishtar the eldest among them had a complexion like molten gold. He was an ace in wielding the spear. He lived for righteousness and was always truthful. A man of character he lived in hell for a day as repentance for the only lie he spoke.

His weakness was that he could never ever refuse an invitation for gambling.

Friday, November 17, 2017


Just like the Kurus and their supporters the Pandavas too had their set of 

qualities. These were mostly divine. However to be fair to both sides, god was 

compassionate to both. To one he gave his own army and to the other himself.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


The reader can now imagine how difficult this could be. In 

other words behind three births as a demon slain by god 

one has to go through endless births as an evil person.

The lord did not kill the Kurus, Karna, Shakuni, Dhritashtra, 

Bhishma, Dronacharya etc. himself because they  in spite of

their talent were not yet so qualified as evil. That is the 

reason that they were killed by the Pandavas and not by 

Lord Krshna.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


After every birth as a demon killed by god, one has to again take several births as an evil person before being slain by god the second time. And the soul reaches the ultimate abode of god after being killed thrice.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


To become a demon powerful enough to be killed by god even once, one has to take several births as evil person. Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakasyapa, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Kamsa, Shishupala, Dantavakra etc. are such demons who were slain by god. 

Monday, November 13, 2017


God will not deliberately kill anyone human, demigod or demon unless that 

person is qualified and powerful enough to be killed by god.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


A person who takes seven births as a demigod has as a devotee of god, already surrendered himself to the almighty. Hence whether he/she has to take seven or seventy births as a demigod it does not affect him/her.

But to become a full fledged demon, more so as one who has to be killed by god is not easy.

Saturday, November 11, 2017


It is said in the scriptures that a person can reach god through the following two paths- a. by taking seven births as a demigod or b. by taking three births as a demon and getting killed in every birth by god.

On deep contemplation within one can understand this seemingly complex statement well.

Friday, November 10, 2017


Karna’s life reminds one of the lamentations of Cardinal Wolsey who was ultimately disgraced by the king of England Henri the VIII-

‘’ Had I served my own lord with half the devotion that I served this king with I would not have come to such a sorry pass.’’

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Karna, Bhishma and Dronacharya were actually students of another incarnation of god Lord Parasurama.

However as the saying goes ‘You are judged by the company you keep’, Karna lost his war and life because he supported the wrong man- Duryodhana.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Duryodhana’s friend Karna was incredibly gifted and brave. Despite knowing 

that he was the eldest among the noble Pandavas, he remained loyal to 

Duryodhana till the end. Even lord Krshna was proud of him.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Duryodhana’s younger brother Dushasana was loyal to the elder brother but 

equally evil. Though brave and hefty he was a confirmed drunkard who had 

his first drink immediately after breakfast.

Monday, November 6, 2017


Shakuni’s sister Gandhari the mother of Duryodhana and wife of Dhritarashtra 

was pious but deliberately blind who chose to obey the ignorant Dhritarashtra 

instead of Lord Krishna the supreme personality of godhead. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Duryodhana’s uncle was the extraordinarily cunning and crafty Shakuni who 

under the pretext of helping the nephew was all the time plotting to overthrow 

his own brother-in-law Dhritarashtra.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Dronacharya’s own son Ashwathama was like a blind man led down the 

path by another blind man- Dronacharya who himself was puffed up with false 

ego. Compared to the noble Dronacharya and the brave Ashwathama, another 

poor but god loving Brahmin Sudama was far better.

Friday, November 3, 2017


Despite his intelligence and infinite capabilities Dronachara was not only a 

master of material knowledge of martial arts but not withstanding his birth as a 

brahmin- the first among equals in the society, craved for material wealth and 

kingdom. This spelt his ultimate doom.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


The most revered and elderly Pitamah(grand sire) Bhishma was under an 

illusion where despite his noble bearing, incredible power and love for god, he 

preferred to be attached to the material world (Hastinapur). 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Dhrishtarashtra the father of Duryodhana and the emperor of the Kurus was 

spiritually ignorant that is blind by birth. At the same time like all demoniac 

people he was extremely scared of the divine Pandavas and god himself. In his 

heart of hearts he suspected that despite small in number the Pandavas were 

capable of defeating his own sons and their army the Kauravas.