Monday, February 29, 2016

Self Realization

 Just like there is an ordinary calendar there is also a human calendar that 

begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December. People born in different 

 months, exhibit different sets of qualities. The different names of zodiac signs 


January- Capricorn- Infant

February- Aquarian- Child

March- Pisces- Child

April- Aries- Adolescent

May- Taurian- Teenager

June- Gemini- Adult

July- Cancer- Romance

August- Leo- Sex

September- Virgo- Material knowledge

October- Libra- Using that knowledge

November- Scorpio- Spiritualism

December- Sagittarius- Extension of the same spiritualism

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Self Realization

When a person is selected to live in the astral world permanently, he or she 

does not take a rebirth in the material world ever. Even in the astral world they 

come into a family by invitation and not by birth. There are several planets in 

the astral world and the highest of all is HIRANYALOKA. Life in the astral 

world is at least for 500 years. When a person is in the Nirbikalpa Samadhi in 

material world he attains permanent abode in the astral world after death.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Self Realization

The astral world is very subtle. People here can take any shape any time. 

They consume ray like vegetables and fruits and can consume from any part of

their body. They are very pained by mistakes made by people in the material 

world. The subtle world is incredibly large and the material world cannot 

compare with it. There are several planets in the subtle world and all are 


Friday, February 26, 2016

Self Realization

Angels, demigods and sages love and help humanity whereas demons, devils 

etc. harm them. The society is protected and controlled by sages.

The causal world is more subtle than the astral world. Those astral beings who

qualify, go to the causal world.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Self Realisation

Beyond this material world is the astral world and beyond the astral  world is the causal world. These are on the way to god. Astral world is inhabited by those who have discarded their material bodies. It is more subtle than the material world. Some in the astral world stay there permanently and some return to the material world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Self Realization

Demigods are those ordinary people who do extraordinary things. God 

bestows them with the talent and energy to do their work. Bheema was a 

demigod vested with extreme physical strength to do herculean tasks. He was 

called the son of lord Vayu or air, which is known for power. Similarly Arjuna 

was the son of lord Indra and was a master in archery.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Self Realization

In the universe within you there are not only mountains, rivers, seas etc. but 

also various living beings and characters. It depends on you, as to who you 

wish to emulate. There are people who behave like animals, men who behave 

like women, women behaving like men, and adults having a child’s innocence. 

There are also those who behave like sages and demigods.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Self Realization

God is great. Whenever he gives some trouble, he also gives the solution 

along with. God takes some people into deep waters not to drown them but to 

clean them. Remember that the cure for snake poison is at the same place 

where the snakes are in plenty.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Self Realization

There is God in all of us. The different God men and women became what 

they are because they were successful in activating the divinity within 

themselves. You have God within you but you yourself are not the almighty. 

Nurture noble thoughts, be humble and try always to serve humanity. 

Remember that it was bandit Ratnakar who became the sage Valmiki. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Self Realisation

When a person identifies himself and the universe within him, he or

she can think like a man, a woman and a child. And the universe is

full of these three and much more. This person becomes the lover,

the love and the beloved at the same time.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Self Realization

A person is judged by the company he or she keeps. If your circle

is good, you are supposed to be a good person.

It is very much preferable if a person is self contained. That way he or

she is happy in his or her company and need not disturb others.

 As a self contained person one is happy in a universe which is inhabited

by the male, the female and the child in oneself.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My stories

 Subject: My stories in Amazon

I am happy to announce that the following of my stories have been published by Amazon on Kindle:


Kid brother




Janam janam ke phere

Square Peg

Paanye Lagoon Thakur


New Moon

False ego published on 19th February 2016

Kindly add these to your kindle collection.

Kindly forward this mail to your family and friends regards

TSV Raghavan

Self Realization

1.   When a person finds the love, lover and beloved in himself, or herself, he or she takes a step towards self realization.

In that position he becomes self contained and begins seeing god within oneself.

Such a person is a man, a woman and a child all rolled in one.

He thus enjoys this universe by being one of the three and by interacting with the other two in that capacity.