Srimad Bhagavatam
The light of inner consciousness
which exists as the self is also known as the Purusha.
This Purusha is self illuminated and
has neither a beginning nor an end. It is different from Prakriti.
The birth and existence of the
universe is caused by the nearness of the prakriti to the purusha.
When the purusha identifies with
prakriti it becomes deluded and its ego becomes limited and is confined to the
body of names and forms.
This is because Purusha is the self
and Prakriti is the non self.
In reality Purusha is a witness ever
free and non performer of all material actions.
These material actions are tinted
with the gunas which gush forth from prakriti. But because of super-imposition
and identification the purusha wrongly believes that it is the performer of all
these material actions.
Because of its identification with
names and forms the Purusha gets subjected to repeated births and deaths and
happiness and misery.