Monday, March 31, 2014

Hare Krshna Hare Rama

                                        Srimad Bhagavatam

The light of inner consciousness which exists as the self is also known as the Purusha.

This Purusha is self illuminated and has neither a beginning nor an end. It is different from Prakriti.

The birth and existence of the universe is caused by the nearness of the prakriti to the purusha.

When the purusha identifies with prakriti it becomes deluded and its ego becomes limited and is confined to the body of names and forms.

This is because Purusha is the self and Prakriti is the non self.

In reality Purusha is a witness ever free and non performer of all material actions.

These material actions are tinted with the gunas which gush forth from prakriti. But because of super-imposition and identification the purusha wrongly believes that it is the performer of all these material actions.

Because of its identification with names and forms the Purusha gets subjected to repeated births and deaths and happiness and misery.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Self Realization

                                    Srimad Bhagavatam

Because we love the world and the things that are there, our senses attract us to them.

But if we concentrate our love towards god we find divine knowledge and absolute freedom.

Some souls are so much in love with god that they do not aim for even their own salvation.

Blessed are they who wholeheartedly worship God as their one and only goal.

Those who love god the way they love their most loved ones, live an eternal life.

God is the lord of the universe.

He frees his devotees from all fears.

Yogis meditate on him to achieve the highest good.

When the heart becomes calm and the mind is united in the love of god, the supreme good is achieved.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Self Realization

                                          Srimad Bhagavatam

Yoga that blends one with the divine self ends all miseries.

When the mind is attached to the world one gets bound.

When the mind is attached to God one becomes free.

When the mind is free from Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion, and False ego, divine love enters.

When divine love fills the mind, one gets knowledge.

And this true knowledge guides one to self realization.

Devotees are forever attached to God and so they are self-controlled, forbearing, loving and friendly to all.

The hearts of devotees are united with god.

The devotees are free from all material attachments.

Anyone who is associated with a devotee becomes pure.

By living in that holy vibration one develops faith in God and reverence for him.

Finally one starts thinking about him all the time and develops transcendental love for God.

They one meditates on God and becomes utterly devoted to him.

When one gets that experience, all his attraction for the material life dwindles away.

Then his mind is free from ignorance, he becomes illumined and thus even while living in this world, he experiences heaven and the kingdom of God.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Self Realization

                                                   Srimad Bhagavatam

The true nature of both God and Man is consciousness alone. But though God is forever blissful and liberated Man becomes bonded by Maya because of his desires.

Maya is the servant of God and master of man.

The existence of universe is caused by Maya which is ignorance.

Universe is the work of divine power.

The cosmic energy consists of three Gunas.  These are goodness. passion and ignorance. When these gunas are disturbed the main ingredient for the creation for the universe takes form.

This universe has several natives.

The herbs, plants, trees, shrubs etc are the lowest of them all and they are conscious only by touch.

Then there are the animals whose sense of smell is highly developed.

Then comes man with his six senses.

After him there are the Pitras or deified humans.

Then come Kinnaras spirits.

After them are Gandharvas, and Vidyadharas and Siddhas who are angels.

 Then there are Devas or demi gods.

And then there is God.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Self Realization

                                                                 Srimad Bhagavatam

People with good Karma sooner or later understand that self realization, liberation and love for god are the only aims in life.

Maya is the servant of God and she is the master of the common man.

Ignorance is the cause of this apparent universe.

Association with holy men helps an individual develop love for God.

Man is ever free but due to the illusion of Maya he feels that he is bound by his Karma.

Just like the reflection of the moon on the water is still but due to the restlessness of the water it appears to be moving, similarly the self within each one of us is the detached but due to the influence of Maya we seem to go through endless sufferings.    

When one becomes pure by following the path of renunciation, he begins to love God.

And when one starts loving God he frees himself of all misery.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Self Realization

                                     Srimad Bhagavatam

The lord creates this universe for his pleasure alone.

No one can outshine the infinite glory of the lord.

He is the innermost ruler of everyone’s heart.

All his ways are blessed.

The Lord always wipes away the tears of his devotees.

He destroys the wickedness of the wicked.

His form is purity itself and he gives purity and self knowledge to all who seek him.

The lord is the strength and support of his devotees.

He is manifest in the hearts of yogis.

The wicked people do not find the Lord.

The lord shines in his own glory and resplendent blissful self.

Those who chant his name and meditate upon him are freed from all sins and evils.

The lord’s devotees conquer all fear.

There is no bar of cast, creed, or color in the Lord’s devotees.

All his children attain purity through the Lord’s name.

He is the supreme, the Vedas, and the ultimate truth.

Those devotees who meditate on the lord’s blissful form are lost in joy.

God is the lord of all wealth.

He is the lord of all creation.

He is the supreme lover of all his devotees.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Self Realization

                                            Srimad Bhagavatam

When he becomes aware of approaching death a true yogi sits in a meditational posture in a quiet spot and with his heart purified and his mind under his control he becomes absorbed in the consciousness of the Brahman.

Thus he lives in perfect tranquility.

After sometime, Time the great destroyer is annihilated and the universe melts away.

 The Yogi is no longer aware of his physical self.

Such is his blissful state that he sees God everywhere.

Desiring to give up his body the yogi allows the vital energy to pass through different centers of consciousness.

First the energy is concentrated at the Solar plexus called the Manipura.

From there it rises to Anahata the Heart.

From there it passes to the center of the throat called Visuddha.

Then it ascends to the center of the eyebrows called the Ajna.

After this if the yogi has reached a state of total desirelessness, he realizes the absolute Brahman and the vital energy ascends to the thousand petalled lotus-centre in the brain named as Sahasrara.    

  After this when the yogis realizes his oneness with the Brahman, he detaches his soul from the gross, subtle and causal bodies and passes into Brahman.

Thus he attains absolute freedom also known as immediate liberation.

 However if after having his vital energy resting between the eyebrows, the Yogi still has some desires left, he does not attain absolute unity but passes away still associating himself with the mind and the senses.

He then ascends to higher and higher lokas till he reaches the Brahma Loka.

Here he gets freed from all desires and realizes his unity with Brahman.

Thus having attained absolute freedom there is no more return for him.

This is known as gradual liberation.


Thinking, remembering and hearing about God brings about a detachment from this fleeting world.

By worshiping God all desires of the soul are fulfilled.

Blessed indeed is he who spends his life worshiping God.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Self Realization

Srimad Bhagavatam

When the devotee sits in a secluded place and recites the word OM which is GOD, and tries to understand the meaning of the word, his mind and his Prana comes under his control.

Once the mind is in control the senses come under the devotee’s control and thus ultimately the devotee starts meditating on God.

Once the devotee gets into deep meditation he experiences a peace and transcendental bliss which is actually the abode of Lord Vishnu.

Even when the mind wanders away again thanks to the forces of passion and ignorance, the devotee should try to bring it back through practice and perseverance. The yogis of yore have perfected this art through endless efforts.

Though a wise man lives in the society he is not attached to its material things. Nature supplies him with whatever he needs and he is happy with what comes to him unasked.

God resides within every one of us. We should take a giant leap inward, and meditate on the lord within.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Self Realization

Srimad Bhagavatam

The greatest remedy to all the ills of life both physical and mental is to surrender all our Karma to God.

Karma puts us under bondage but surrendering it to the lord liberates us.

Work performed for god increases love and devotion in us.

This love and devotion transforms into spiritual wisdom which guides us towards meditation and total surrender to God.

    By singing the praises of the lord one attains peace, bliss and freedom.

     God dwells in the heart of all.

   Hence while meditating one should focus on the lord within.

     Divine love is supreme love.

     Saints devoted to God give up all desires.

            Through devotion to the lord all our ignorance is dispelled.

             The human life is designed for the soul to discriminate between the self and the non self.

            Blessed are the moments when we think of God and worship him.

              When the devotee withdraws within himself and meditates on the lord
He at once experiences transcendental bliss.

             This transcendental bliss is the supreme goal the abode of Lord Vishnu.

            Yogis who meditate upon the lord ultimately achieve this transcendental bliss and are liberated.

             A wise man though he lives in this world is never attached to it.

            The lord who dwells within us is the ultimate truth.

             Hence a wise man should meditate on the lord and dissolve himself into the ultimate truth and bliss.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Self Realization

                                          July –Romance and Marriage- Subtle Body

Once the gross body has reached its prime in growth, it is time for the subtle body to take over.

As an adult on the thresh hold of an independent life, the native after landing a job or settling down in a profession or business, thinks about raising his or her own family.

The most important ingredients of the subtle body are the senses and the mind. By mind one means emotions and feelings.

The native now takes his or her attraction for the opposite sex seriously and gets into relationships in the quest for the right life partner.

The native gets romantic, writes poems and love letters, talks incessantly on the phone, chats on the internet, browses different sites, exchanges notes, photos, ideas and opinions with strangers, and is very conscious about what others think about him or her.

Ultimately after several hits and misses the native at last gets his or her life partner.

Now remember those hopelessly romantic guys you have come across in your life time.
