Thursday, November 28, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self realized one does not have any material fears and doubts.

Remember that the yogi is Nirguna that is devoid of any material qualities.

Remember that for the yogi there is neither heaven nor hell.

Remember that the mind of the yogi is always filled with the nectar of supreme bliss.

Remember that the yogi is contented and calm in both happiness and misery.

Remember that the life of a yogi, devoid of all attachments is full of glory.

Remember that the true yogi transcends the endless cycle of births and deaths. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self realized person is pure consciousness and has nothing left to do in the material world.

Remember that the imperceptible self is revealed to the pure self, and thus he becomes tranquil.

Remember that the self realized soul is pure effulgence itself.

Remember that the liberated one sees only the self shining in different forms.

Remember that the illusion of the phenomenal world exists only till the knowledge of the self is attained.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the common man is agitated by the commotion within him even when he is inactive. Whereas the self realized on is calm even during activity.

Remember that the wise self realized man is happy even while discharging all material duties.

Remember that the self realized soul is forever calm and shines like a vast lake.

Remember that for the common man even withdrawal is an action. But for the liberated soul even action is withdrawal.

Remember that the self realized soul devoid of any material attachment looks and behaves like a child.

Remember that the self realized soul remains the same in all conditions.

Remember that the self realized soul is changeless like the universal space.

Remember that the self realized soul is the embodiment of perfect bliss.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when one realizes that the self is neither the doer nor the enjoyer all modifications of his mind are lost.

Remember that the conduct of the wise man shines because of his detachment.

Remember that the renounced ones are liberated and sometimes they enjoys the fruits of material life and sometimes they retire to the mountain caves.

Remember that the wise man is not aroused while being in the material world amidst carnal pleasures, or in the company of saints and sadhus.

Remember that the wise man is never perturbed even when he is scoffed at by those who know him.

Remember that the renounced man's state of mind is understood only by those who are like him.

Remember that the sense of duty so important in the material world does not apply to the renounced one.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that for the one who abides in the self, Self control is spontaneous and perennial.

Remember that for the liberated one there is neither the existence of the universe nor is the universe non existent.

Remember that the desire less intellect of the liberated soul does not need any outside support.

Remember that the liberated soul is free from all doubts and his mind is identified completely with the self.

Remember that by merely listening to the ultimate truth the liberated one blends his intellect with the self and becomes serene.

Remember that the liberated one acts spontaneously like a child.

Remember that the liberated one attains freedom to reach the highest peak of self realization. 

Self Realization

Remember that whereas the unintelligent person gets confused on learning about the truth, the wise man withdraws himself within and lives happily.

Remember that the liberated one remains happily in a perpetual trance.

Remember that the wise man attains tranquility merely learning the truth.

Remember that the self is tranquil, beloved, taint less, stainless, pure, enlightened, perfect and transcendental.

Remember that the liberated one realizes the true self by mere intuition.

Remember that the liberated soul realizes the true Brahman effortlessly.

Remember that the wise man cuts off the roots of misery that is desire. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the wise man who does all activities that come to him without asking, lives happily both in activity and inactivity.

Remember that there is neither joy nor sorrow for the one with a tranquil mind.

Remember that the wise man who is happy in himself, does not need to renounce anything, nor does he feel the loss of anything.

Remember that the wise man whose mind is void, does not feel either honor or dishonor.

Remember that the wise man who realizes that the activities done by him howsoever noble they may be, are actually done by his body and not by his self, does not act even when he is acting.

Remember that the liberated-in- life is a blessed soul.

Remember that the wise man withdraws himself from all worldly reasoning just like a tortoise which withdraws into a shell of its own.

Remember that the liberated one, who knows that the world is a figment of his imagination, lives as BRAHAMAN even in life.

Remember that the liberated one who is ego less, does not act mentally even when he is acting physically.

Remember that the mind of the liberated one is free from all doubts.

Remember that the liberated one becomes active and meditative spontaneously.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the self is all bliss, serenity and effulgence. In its presence all delusions cease.

Remember that you will attain true peace and happiness only after renouncing all sense objects.

Remember that the sun of sorrow  arising out of one's deeds scorches the person. It is only the ambrosia of self realization that cures the wounds.

Remember that this universe is just the figment of collective imagination. The only thing that exists is the self.

Remember that the absolute, immutable, stainless and effortless self is always attainable.

Remember that when your illusions have ceased to bother you and you have seen yourself as the true self, you shine free from misery.

Remember that the self is BRAHMAN.

Remember that for a self realized soul nothing matters regardless of the company he is found in.

Remember that the self realized soul is liberated in life. Whatever actions he performs is just his lot in life.

Remember that the self realized soul lives beyond desire limitations.

Remember that the self realized soul does not have anything to meditate upon.

Remember that the self realized soul though living in the society is actually the reverse of the common man.

Remember that just like a dried leaf the self realized soul blows hither and thither swayed by the storm of his past actions.

Remember that the self realized soul lives with tranquility like one without a body.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that there is neither attachment nor aversion in the one in whom the ocean of the world has dried up.

Remember that the self realized person neither wakes up nor sleeps. He for ever enjoys the supreme state of self realization.

Remember that the liberated man is found every where in the society. Unattached to all the material things he enjoys supreme bliss.

Remember that the self realized man though living in the society like ordinary human beings, is indeed liberated.

Remember that the liberated man is free from the joy of all material things.

Remember that the liberated man does not see any difference between man and woman, fortune and misfortune, happiness and misery.

Remember that in the liberated man there is neither compassion nor violence, neither humility nor pride, neither wonder nor agitation.

Remember that the liberated man goes through neither contemplation nor non contemplation. He is attached to neither good nor evil.

Remember that the liberated man has attained a stage where there are no delusions, dreams or dullness.

Self Realization

Remember that the one who revels in his solitude, having controlled his senses, gains the fruit of knowledge and yoga.

Remember that the one who enjoys his solitude is not swayed by sense objects.

Remember that rare is the one on whom the impressions of his experiences do not exist and who does not crave for things not enjoyed.

Remember that such person is indeed rare who neither craves for sense gratification nor liberation.

Remember that rare is the person who is not after piety, welfare, sense gratification, noble deeds, liberation, life and death.

Remember that the one who enjoys solitude revels on what comes to him unasked.

Remember that the self realized person lives in this world happily, doing what others do, without getting attached to anything.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that even if you read and hear the scriptures of all religions several times, you can not attain self realization until you have forgotten them all.

Remember that whether you enjoy life, or attain samadhi, your mind will still yearn for your true nature which is the self.

Remember that the more you exert yourself unnecessarily the more you will be away from self realization.

Remember that the first step top self realization is for the mind to reject all pairs of opposites.

Remember that one who accepts sense objects is sensual, and the one who rejects them is non-sensual. The one who neither accepts nor rejects them attains true self realization.

Remember that desire is the root cause of all problems.

Remember that one who is free from all attachments does not feel miserable even while living in this material world.

Remember that the one who identifies with the body and not the self is miserable even in this life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that you are the self the pure knowledge. You are beyond nature. So have faith.

Remember that the body made of components of nature come sand goes away. But the self never fades.

Remember that in your infinite ocean of consciousness, universes come and go like waves. So you should not be perturbed by them.

Remember that as the pure infinite consciousness, you do not have to accept or reject any idea.

Remember that you are one immutable, stainless, infinite and serene consciousness. Hence you should not be perturbed by either birth or death.

Remember that as you perceive so you manifest. Just like jewelry made of gold is not different from gold.

Remember that you should reject the thoughts of "I am he" or "That I am not". Knowing yourself as the self be happy.

Remember that the universe appears to exist because of ignorance.

Remember that one who understands that this universe is pure illusion attains self realization.

Remember that as one infinite self there is neither freedom nor bondage for you.

Remember that you are of pure intelligence and so you should not waste your time affirming or negating things.  

Remember that to attain complete self realization you should give up any type of contemplation. You are the ever free self. So why do you need even meditation?

Self Realization

Remember that a person of pure intelligence realizes the self even by a casual reference imparted by a liberated soul.

Remember that passion for sense objects is bondage and distaste for the same is liberation.

Remember that the knowledge of  truth makes a wise person mute, inert and passive.

Remember that you are the pure consciousness and not the body that you have been identifying with for time immemorial.

Remember that all beings are in the self and the self is in all beings.

Remember that you are of pure intelligence and that the universe manifests itself in you like waves in an ocean.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that when you are free from desires, you will begin to abide in your self.

Remember that when you have realized the supreme self your quest for emancipation will vanish.

Remember that the self realized men who roam among us can be understood only by other self realized men. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Self Realization

Remember that the tranquility that is born out of awareness that there is nothing but the self is rare even among the sanyasis.

Remember that one who lives happily by abiding in the self does not suffer the weariness of the body, the fatigue of the tongue or the distress of the mind.

Remember that there is nothing in this material world that is done by the self.

Remember that it is the yogis who are attached to the body, who speak of action and inaction. One who abides in the self is not disturbed by these trifle things.

Remember that the one who abides in self has renounced both good and evil.