Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that to acquire the supreme knowledge of the self, to attain liberation and to achieve renunciation you should reject the objects of sense gratification as poison, and seek forgiveness, straight-forwardness, kindness, cheerfulness and truth as nectar.

Remember that you are neither earth, nor water, nor air, nor fire nor ether. In order to attain freedom, know yourself as the self- the witness to all these- the embodiment of pure consciousness itself.

Remember that if you detach yourself from the body and abide in the consciousness, you will at once become happy and free from all bondage.

Remember that you neither belong to any caste nor creed nor any station in life. You are not perceivable by the objects of senses. Knowing that you are unattached, formless and witness to all, be happy.

Remember that virtue and vice are attributes of the intelligence and happiness and sorrow are the attributes of the mind. Know that you are above these causal and subtle forms of your body, and be happy.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Self Realization

Remember that for you who are one immutable, serene, stainless, pure consciousness there is no birth, no activity and no ego sense.

Remember that you alone manifest as whatever you perceive, just like ornaments made of gold are nothing but  gold itself.

Remember to give up all distinctions about "you are this or that and that you are not this or that." Consider all as self and be happy.

Remember that it is due to your ignorance that this universe appears to exist. In reality you are the one. Other than you there is no individual self.

Remember that one who understands with certitude that this universe is nothing but an illusion, becomes desire less and of pure intelligence. Thus he finds serenity and lives as if nothing exists.

Remember that in the ocean of existence the only self was, is and will be. There is neither bondage nor liberation for you. So live a fulfilled life and roam about freely.

Remember that you are pure intelligence. Do not disturb your mind by affirming and negating things. Silencing them, abide happily in your own self which is an embodiment of bliss absolute.

Remember that you should give up even contemplation and hold nothing in your mind. You are indeed the self, the ever free. What will you do or achieve by meditation?