Sunday, October 31, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that whatever the scriptures or the holy texts say, when you want to get established in the self you should forget all of it.

Remember that just like the seeker of foodgrains throws away the husk after  he has received the grains, similarly the seeker of self should throw away all the knowledge that leads him to the self.

Remember that every thing whether material, physical, or mental gets extinguhished at the stage where the seeker achieves the self.

Remember that through this instruction alone you will seek liberation.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that just like ornaments made of gold are not different from gold, similarly in what ever form you manifest yourself you are not different from the self.

Remember that when you stop differentiating between yourself and others, and when you begin to see everyone as yourself, you at once become desireless and happy.

Remember that because of your ignorance you feel the existence of the universe.

Remember that when you understand with certitude that this universe is just an illusion and nothing else, you will become desireless and of pure intelligence. And you will attain serenity.

Remember that when you recognize yourself as the self, there is no more liberation or bondage for you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that a man of pure intelligence will realize the self even through a casual instruction.

Remember that a passion for sense objects is bondage and a distaste for sense objects is liberation.

Remember that the knowledge of ultimate truth makes the knower mute inert and passive, even if he was most eloquent, wise and active before.

Remember that you are the consciousness itself, the eternal indifferent witness to everything.

Remember that you are knowledge, you are the self and you are beyond nature.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you become spontaneously void minded, when you think about sense objects only by chance, and when you are fully awake even when asleep, you automatically extinguish the memories of this material life.

Remember that when your desires have dried up and gone away, you do not care about riches or poverty, knowledge or ignorance, friends or foes.

Remember that when you realize the supreme self, you are beyond, bondage, liberation and emancipation.

Remember that a self realized soul can be understood only by other equally self realized souls.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that the tranquility that one experiences on realising that he is nothing other than the self, is  rare indeed.

Remember that except the self every other aspect in a living entity gets tired, weary and old one day or the other.

Remember that every activity that you do or experience in this material world, is the result of efforts by all other elements except the self.

Remember that nothing good or evil is attached to the self.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you start to abide in yourself, you begin to avoid unnecessary action, unnecessary speech and unnecssary thoughts.

Remember that when you abide in yourself, you find no attachment towards objects of sense gratification.

Remember that when you abide in yourself, you do not have to exert yourself towards Samadhi.

Remember that when you abide in yourself, you realize that both action and inaction are born out of ignorance.

Remember that the one who abides in himself is a blessed soul indeed. He fulfills himself with his divine nature.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you understand the fact that change and destruction are inherent forms of existence, you will at once attain peace.

Remember that when you realize that God ie. the supreme self is the creator of all universes, you will become calm and your inner desires will melt away.

Remember that when you realize that fortune and misfortune are actually results of your past Karma, you will become free from all duality.

Remember that when you realize that happiness and sorrow, birth and death are all effects of past actions, you will at once shy away from endless desires.

Remember that it is anxiety that is the root of all sorrows.

Remember that bondage arises from mine-ness, and liberation from detachment.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that you should renounce Kama that is the desire which is an enemy, Artha that is wealth which is the root of all mischief, and Dharma that is performance of good deeds, which is the cause of the other two, and develop indifference to everything.

Remember that everything in the material world is temperory and like a magic show.

Remember that this world is born out of desire, and so you should avoid desire at any cost.

Remember that desire is the cause of all bondage. Only by non attachment can one attain self realization.

Remember that you are one pure intelligence. This universe is inert and unreal.

Remember that your attachment to all the material things is the cause of this endless series of births.

Remember that other than the gross, subtle, and causal bodies, the witness of three stages of awakening, dream and deep sleep, and the nature of existence, knowledge and bliss, what remains is Atman the soul.

Remember that in this wilderness of the world, the mind does not find any repose in wealth, desires and pious deeds.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you develop a complete indifference to the material world, the worries about performing or not performing tasks, the pairs of opposites, and the dualities will cease and thus you will become passionless and renounced.

Remember that it is a rare blessed soul which ceases to have a passion for life, a desire to enjoy, and a hunger to learn after observing the ways of men.

Remember that the pairs of opposites have been exisiting for time immemorial. So cease to worry about them and become free.

Remember that the end of joy is sorrow and the end of sorrow is joy. So stop bothering about the two and become renounced.

Remember that the one who apprehends the true nature of pure consciousness, develops complete indifference to this material world, and develops an equainimity. Thus through logical reasoning he escapes this cycle of birth and death and becomes a true spiritual guide.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that the self is not an object nor is any object in the self. The self is infinite and taintless. The self is desireless and tranquil.

Remember that you are pure consciousness and the world is a magic show. So the subject of attachment or detachment towards this world does not arise.

Remember that when the mind desires or grieves for something, accepts or rejects something, Feels happy or angry about something, that is indeed the bondage of the mind.

Remember that the ultimate freedom is attained only when the mind is free from this bondage.

Remember that thought rejection is freedom and thought assertion is bondage.

Remember that igonorance is born out of desires. And ignorance is the rope of bondage.

Remember that where there is ego there is bondage and where the ego is absent that is freedom.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that you are like the sea shell and the universe is like the silver hue around it. Knowing this you shouldn realize that there is nothing to be accepted, rejected, created or destroyed.

Remember that you are in every thing and that everything is in you. This is true knowledge.

Remember that you are like the ocean and that the universe moves here and there like a ship , according to the dictat of the mind.

Remember that in the ocean that you are, several universes appear and disappear like waves. This neither increases nor decreases any thing in you.

Remember that you are an ocean and that the univese is like an illusion within. You are profoundly tranquil and formless. So abide by this knowldege.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that even though the universe is visible, but like a snake-in-the-rope, it is unreal and does not exist in the self in you.

Remember that when you enter the state of Laya, you become one with the absolute. In such a state you are alone even in a crowd.

Remember that when you enter the state of Laya, you become perfect and are not affected by pain and pleasure, hope and disapointment and life and death.

Remember that you are infinite like the space and this phenomenal world is like a limited jar.

Remember that you are like the ocean and the universe is like a wave. So for you there is nothing to be renounced or accepted or created or destroyed.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that those people who know that the self is one without a second are very rare. These people do what comes to their mind and do not have any fear from any quarters.

Remember that the self in you is your actual identity. When you dissolve the body complex, there is nothing more to renounce.

Remember that the universe arises from your self like a bubble in the ocean. So you should enter Laya the state of dissolution.

Remember that whatever the demigods can create, you can create too.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that a self realized man plays the game of life like a skilled player whereas the other people go through their lives like beasts of burden.

Remember that a self realized soul is in a more blissful state of mind than even the demigods.

Remember that the self realized soul is uncontaminated by the virtues and vices just like the space is uncontaminated by the smoke that dwells in it.

Remember that the self realized soul acts spontaneously and without any preplanned motive.

Remember that among all the four categories of existence from Brahma to the blade of grass it is only the self realized soul who is absolutely free from attachments.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you are content with your self knowledge, your mind will become free from desires.

Remember that a sage knows that the perceived universe in its true nature does not have any substance. And knowing this he does not consider anything as accepatable or inacceptable.

Remember that when your mind is free from all passions, when you are beyond all pairs of opposites, and when you are free from all desires, objects of enjoyment which reach you unexpectedly, will cause eneither pain nor pleassure to you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you begin to sincerely aspire for liberation, when you get detached from the pleasures of this world and the next, when you are able to differentiate between the eternal from the ephemeral, you would stop fearing about the dissolution of this body.

Remember that when as a wise person you begin seeing the supreme self all the time, you will neither be happy nor distressed when you are feted and feasted or tormented.

Remember that an enlightened soul watches the performance of his own body as if it belongs to some one else. As such he would not be perturbed by praise or blame.

Remember that a man of poised intellect realizes that this universe is merely an illusion. He loses all zest for life and such a person does not fear loss of life.

Self Realization

Remember that as long as you do not realize your true identity as the non dual self you will be a victim of lust even when you are old and weak.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you realize that you are self you would gradually get rid of all the modes of material nature viz. goodness, passion and ignorance.

Remember that the attachment to material things is actually born out of an ignorance of the self.

Remember that when you realize your true identity as the self, you will stop running around like a wretched creature.

Remember that when you realize your self, you will get rid of the sense of doership. You will realize that self is every where and all beings are in the self.

Remember that when you begin to abide in transcendent non-duality, you will get rid of desire, lust, greed and all other material senses.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you do not find any duality in the midst of individuals, you begin to feel that you are alone in a forest. In such a case where is the question of any form of attachment?

Remember that you neither are nor have any body. You are pure consciousness. your bondage begins with your desire to live.

Remember that the whole universe is pervaded by the supreme self in its unmanifested form, but the supreme self does not dwell in this universe.

Remember that when mental storms arise in the limitless ocean of the supreme self, endless universes spring forth like waves. And then when the storms subside the universes become miniscule parts of the supreme self.  

Friday, October 8, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that Knowledge, the knowable and the knower these three aspects exist in you only because of your ignorance.

Remember that when your mind is still, your desires are gone, you are free from delusion and released from sense of ego, you wake into supreme knowldege and bliss.

Remember that in the supreme infinitude of the self there is no meditator. In your heart there is no meditation. You are the supreme, blissful, immortal self.

Remember that the body and the universe are unsubstantial.  The self is pure concsiousness. And so there need not for any imagination.

Remember that this body, the notions of heaven and hell, of bondage and freedom as well as anxiety are all imaginations. When you reach the level of  pure consciousness these things cease to exist.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman.

Remember that you are the indweller in all beings, ever free consciousness who is the light within the self.

Remember that you are ever free and pure intelligence.

Remember that though you have a body, you go nowhere and come from nowhere and are ever present in the space.

Remember that the supreme self  is the most competent of all and is holding this universe without touching it with its body.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that the universe is within you, but due to your ignorance you have misapprehended it just like one misundersantands the shine on an oyster as silver, a rope as a snake and the reflection of sunlight in a desert as an oasis due to his ignorance.

Remember that just like a pot dissolves into clay, a wave into an ocean, and a bangle into gold, the universe dissolves into the self.

Remember that even after the distruction of the universe, the self remains.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Self Realization

Remmber that you are taintless, serene and beyond nature. So do not be bewilderd by delusion.

Remember that you illumine your self and you illumine the whole universe. Thus the whole universe belongs to you and nothing belongs to you as well.

Remember that when you abandon the universe as well as your body, your supreme self is revealed to you.

Remember that just like the waves, foams and the bubbles are  part of the water that they spring forth from, similarly the universe is also a part of the self that it springs forth from.

Remember that just like the cloth is nothing but the bundle of thread that was transformed into cloth, this universe is also nothing but the self from which it was created.

Remember that sugar made from sugarcane juice is permeated entirely by the sugar cane juice, similarly the universe is permeated both inside as well as outside by the self which created it.

Remember that the universe appears with the ignorance of the self and dissapears with the knowledge of the self, just like a rope appears like a snake when you are ignorant and becomes a rope again after you realize the truth.

Remember that Light is your nature, you are nothing but the light. When the universe manifests, it is you alone who shine.

Remember that just like the sun illuminates the world, similarly the supreme self illuminates the whole field.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that whatever has a form is false and whatever is formless is changeless. If you know this you will be free from endless births.

Remember that just like a mirror exists inside and outside the image, the supreme self exists inside and outside the body.

Remember that the Individual (Jiva), the Universe(Jagat) and the Lord and Creator(Ishwar) are all manifestaions of the same infinite consciousness. 

Remember that just like the all pervading space exists inside and outside a jar, the supreme self exists in every atom. The all pervading Brahman exists in all beings and things.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Self Realization

Remember that when you think that you are the reflected self you develop false ego. And this false ego makes you a victim of internal and external fluctuations. To avoid thi syou have to meditate on your self alone.

Remember that when you realize that you are bound by the rope of body consciousness, you should cut asunder this rope with the sword of knowledge of your consciousness. Then you will be blissful,and happy.

Remember that you are unattached, actionless, self effugent and taintless. Your desire to meditate is indeed your bondage. Remember that "Samadhi" means the awareness of supreme consciousness as one's own self. A river being a continuous flow of water is never halted in its flow. Thus to a  man of wisdom, there is no time when he is not aware of the self within him.And when the self is all pervading, expressing consiousness in every being and every thing, there is no samadhi.

Remember that you pervade this universe and the universe is woven only in you. By nature you are pure cosnciousness. So you should not indulge in petty mindedness.

Remember that you are eternal, changeless, dense and of profound intelligence. You are serene and unperturbed. So desire consciousness alone.